Home Made Laundry Stain Stick.. revisiting the past.

May 18, 2012 09:11

Several years ago I made a giant bucket of laundry soap, of which I made the fresh grannies lye soap myself.  I used it and I loved it, but noticed over time my whites started to not look as bright.  I figured out that it was the lack of optical brighteners that is in commercial laundry products.  I ended up purchasing commercial laundry detergent to freshen up loads once in a while to bring them back to their original luster, that had faded over time.  I would typically wash my clothes in this homemade laundry soap for about 3-6 months straight (Depending on how much gardening I was doing.  The more ground in dirt, the shorter length I could go).  I saved a hunk of the Grannies Lye Soap for a laundry stain stick and it worked wonders.  But, I got lazy... real lazy over time.  And I stuck to the commercial detergent and the half filled bucket of laundry soap that I had made, got crammed into the back of the laundry product storage area.

The stain stick got donated to a friend as she was having issues with stains or something.. I can't honestly remember the exact reason but that is what my memory tells me.  She mentioned the other day on facebook, that it has been the very best stain stick she has ever used.  I started thinking about it, and she was right!  I never had issues with stains on any of my clothing when I was using it.  I would just keep a bar of it in the bathroom as that is where my dirty clothes hamper is, so that I can just toss my clothing in it when I go to shower, etc.  When ever I had a stain on something I would just wet the stain, rub the stain stick into the stain, and rub it together for a few seconds.  Then simply, just toss the clothing into the hamper and forget about it.  On laundry day, I just did laundry and didn't have to think about stains on anything or pre-treating as I sorted and filled the washing machine.  I never had stains on my clothes during that period of time in my life.  Since I had run out of this extra strong soap that is slightly lye heavy, stains started to slowly creep back into my life.  I purchased commercial stain removers and none of them worked all that well.  There is about 4 different bottles sitting on top of the deep freezer in my garage, next to the washing machine... not being used that much because they barely work.

Yesterday I decided to make some more new stain sticks, because friends inquired after my friend made some comments about how well the stain stick works for her.  All these years later, she barely notices a dent in the stick, despite regular use.  I finished them up, and within hours all the extras were gobbled up by various friends that want one on facebook.  Pretty much, the 2 lb. batch that I made is enough to last me a lifetime.  Last night I had some of the scraps from the over pour of that batch and hit a few shirts with old stains that had even been through the dryer.  I thought those stains would be set for life.  The shirts haven't even made it into the washing machine yet, but right away, I noticed the stains instantly lift.  Once they go through the wash, I know they will be clean once again.  I am of the school where I just allow the chemistry do it's work, and rub it in, and leave it alone.  It is ok if it dries, as when the soap gets wet in the wash, it will wash out and take the stain with it.

I know better than to be such a sucker for advertisement campaigns that convince you that nothing works better than their product, of which they will make money selling you if they are successful in selling you hopes and false dreams of perfectly sparkling clean laundry.  But, even I sometimes fall and in a weak moment will purchase them only to be disappointed.

Sometimes the old ways really are best!  Sure, there is room for the commercial detergents in my life still..  So, that tub of laundry soap that I made some time ago has been pulled out, and I am back to using it.  I have bedding washing in it right now.  I will use it up, and just only use the commercial stuff when I need a little boost of optical brighteners in my life.  My sensitive skin will thank me, my septic system will thank me, and I will once again have that sense of satisfaction, knowing that when push comes to shove, I am making it on my own.

I am happy with the old way of doing things.  Who would have thought a simple stain stick would make me think so much about this?  Now I am off to scrub the floors and such, with the remainder of the over pour from yesterday.  I suspect my floors will sparkle and I won't be choking from the strong chemicals in commercial products.  

cleaning, thrifty, laundry, formulary, soap, crafts

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