Livejournal vs Facebook

Jan 04, 2012 09:41

This livejournal I have pretty much abandoned.  Some of you might be coming here from facebook as I have been posting some of my cooking photos on there with the livejournal tag on them.  I once used this journal to "food blog" and used to photograph my photos and post recipes.  I have long ago abandoned that practice, as I don't have time to upkeep a "cooking blog" of sorts.  Those of you that know me, can find me on facebook.  I still log in to livejournal from time to time, to say hello to some of my friends but no longer upkeep this journal for the most part.  And, I have unlocked a few random entries to give you an idea what it was like here on LJ.  Although, some of the comments might be a little lively.  Since nobody used their real names on here, people would leave some strange comments from time to time, and LJ used attract some really uhhh shall we say "different" people.  I won't be unlocking all of my cooking posts because it is just too much work after I went through and locked this entire thing down.  But, I have just randomly clicked on a few to open and give you an idea of my old cooking/foodie blogging :)
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