Part of the Family [Part 9]

Jul 22, 2011 13:59

Title: Part of the Family
Character(s) or Pairing(s): America, Sealand, SwedenxFinland
Warnings: Heavy mention of the word "toe."
Disclaimer: I don’t own Hetalia.
Summary: (Continuation of Kink meme prompt!) Someone invites America to be part of the Sufin and/or Nordic family (or he invites himself). So, a story behind that or how they all interact. It can be a human AU with America as a foster kid.


One morning, Tino was in the kitchen making breakfast. Peter was sitting on his hip, fussing. Alfred had already claimed a breakfast stool and was humming to himself and Mr. Tony.

Tino normally would tune his boys out when they were just chit-chatting unless he heard a cry of distress or something of that nature. Peter was just whining, which was easily solved with a pacifier and a kiss to his forehead, and Tino honestly didn’t pay Alfred much mind.

Until Alfred started singing-Tino had to listen because it was too cute.

“I’ve got five toes, five of them! I’ve got five toes, five toes, five toes! But oh no! Now I’ve only got four toes!”

Tino sent a quick glance Alfred’s direction, and saw that he covered a toe with his hand.

“Oh dear, oh no. Only four toes!

“But what’s this?”

Alfred gasped and covered a second toe. “Oh me, oh my! Only three toes! Only three, only three, how could that be?! Whose been eating my toes? Mr. Tony?

“But Mr. Tony says no. Where are all my toes?”

Alfred pouted and glanced around the room accusingly. And then he gasped again.

“No way! Only two toes?! That can’t be so! Only two, what am I going to do? I’ve only got two toes!”

“That’s very sad.” Tino interrupted. “Only two toes?”

Alfred was startled, but then grinned. “Oh yes. Only two. I need a doctor! Someone’s been eating my toes!”

And then Alfred gasped again. “Oh dear. Oh no. Only one toe! Only the big one left!”

Alfred patted his toe affectionately. “Big toe, big toe, you’re my only toeee!”

Peter nuzzled his head on Tino’s shoulder as Tino flipped a pancake. Tino kissed his forehead again because he couldn’t resist.

“Big toe, big toe, big toooe!” And then Alfred threw an arm across his forehead in dismay. “Oh, whoa! No toes! They’re all gone, Tino! See?”

“You have another foot. So, technically, you do have five toes left.”

Alfred looked at his other foot, alarmed. He’d forgotten about it. He covered all those toes with his other hand.

“Ha-HAH. Now I got no toes!” Alfred cackled to himself. Tino rolled his eyes.

Berwald entered the room, newspaper tucked under his arm. He gave Tino a kiss and took Peter so Tino could focus on not burning breakfast.

“Ber, Ber! Lookie!” Alfred chirped.

Berwald leaned over the counter and looked at Alfred’s feet.


“I got no toes!”

“You don’t have any toes.”

“That’s what I said! I don’t got any toes.”

“No, you don’t have any toes.” Berwald corrected. “Have, not ‘got.’”

Alfred blinked up at Berwald. “…What?”

“You don’t use ‘got’ to say you ‘have’ something.”

Alfred tilted his head curiously. ”What? Why not?

“‘Have’ is the correct word. Such as, ‘Alfred has no toes’ or ‘I have no toes’.”


“Received is another definition of ‘got.' ‘Alfred received new toes from Mr. Tony as an early birthday gift.’”

“But it’s not my birthday!”

“It was an example.”

“And I don’t want toes for my birthday! I want… I want… I don’t know what I want! But I already got toes!”

“You already have toes.”

“I know! I don’t need more! And that’s not a good birthday present!”

Tino chuckled at Berwald’s heavy sigh.

“Can I have pancakes now?” Alfred asked.

“Yes, you may.” Tino corrected with a wink at Berwald.

Berwald shrugged, a small smile on his face as he plopped Peter in his booster seat and fastened a bib around his neck.


I cannot take credit for this musical masterpiece. Little kids amuse me.

part of the family, sealand, america, sweden, finland, fanfiction

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