Part of the Family [Part 8]

Jul 17, 2011 15:29

Title: Part of the Family
Author/Artist: xglass
Character(s) or Pairing(s): America, Sealand, SwedenxFinland
Warnings: Once again, ridiculously cavity-inducing.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Hetalia.
Summary: (Continuation of Kink meme prompt!) Someone invites America to be part of the Sufin and/or Nordic family (or he invites himself). So, a story behind that or how they all interact. It can be a human AU with America as a foster kid.

This particular part also doubles as champagnesly 's request for happy!Sweden. :D


Berwald was reading on the couch when he felt a tug on his pants leg. He automatically knew it was Alfred.

“Hey, Ber? Will you tell us a story?” Alfred asked, Mr. Tony in one hand and Peter’s hand in the other.

Berwald slid his bookmark in place and shut his book. “Yes. But I need animals.”

His two boys blinked at him.

“Stuffed ones?” Alfred clarified. “Not like bugs and cadapillers?”

“Stuffed ones.” Berwald confirmed.

Alfred pumped his fist and raced off towards the kids’ bedroom, leaving Peter a bit dazed behind him.

Berwald bent down and ruffled Peter’s hair with a smile. The little boy grinned up at him.

“I can’t carry them all!” Alfred cried from the hallway, dropping an armful of animals by the door.

“Okay. We’ll move.” Berwald replied. He scooped up a few animals, gave them to Peter and Alfred, and then picked up the rest. “Alfred, would you like to be the line-leader?”

“Yes!” Alfred squealed, racing off towards the room and dropping an animal or two or four in the process.

Peter toddled after him. Berwald took up the rear, bending every once in awhile to grab stray animals and add them to his stack.

He instructed his two boys to sit at the head of Alfred’s bed, and they snuggled up against the pillows.

Berwald kneeled at the end of the bed. He cleared the end of Alfred’s bed to make a stage.

“Once upon a time, there was a rabbit.” Berwald began, dragging a rabbit from the floor and hopping it across the bed. “This rabbit’s name was-“


“-Chucky. Chucky was a very hungry rabbit.” Berwald explained. “He liked to eat-“


“an ‘affles!”

“-hamburgers and waffles. But unfortunately for Chucky, he was a rabbit without a waffle maker and without buns for his burgers.”

Peter and Alfred made twin noises of distress.

“That’s very sad.” Alfred said.

“It is.” Berwald conceded. “Instead of delicious treats, Chucky had to eat lettuce and carrots.”

Alfred and Peter booed at this atrocity.

“Why can’t he go buy some buns?” Alfred asked.

“Chucky doesn’t have enough money for buns. He has to make do with vegetables.”

“Yuck.” Peter said.

“Yuck indeed. But one day, Chucky had a plan.”

“What kind of plan?” Alfred asked, enchanted.

“A good plan.” Berwald replied, smiling in return. “A very, very good plan.”

“Did he go shopping?” Alfred asked. “He could buy some buns.”

“No, not shopping. No money, remember?”

“Oh yeah.”

“Chucky was so-oo hungry. He was really tired of vegetables. He went to visit his friend… Hippo.”

“Can Hippo have a name?”

“You picked Chucky. How about Peter gets to name Hippo?”

“Okay! What’s his name, Peter?”


“Chucky went to go see his friend Spot the Hippo.

‘Spot,’ he said, ‘I am very hungry.’

‘Okay.’ Spot said. ‘Want something to eat?’

‘I do!’ Chucky said.

And Chucky… devoured Spot the Hippo. Nom nom nom!”

Alfred and Peter giggled outrageously as Berwald repeatedly nom-ed the stuffed hippo with the stuffed rabbit. He tossed the hippo plush off the bed.

“’Wow.’ Chucky said. ‘That was de-licious.’”

“He ate him!” Peter said.

“Chucky was feeling a bit better after his snack.”

“But he was still hungry!”

“That’s right, Alfred. So he went to see his friend,” Berwald grabbed another animal at random.


“Right. Bartholomew the dolphin.

‘Bartholomew,’ Chucky said. ‘I am very hungry.’

‘Oh dear.’ Bartholomew said. ‘I eat fish. Would you like to eat some fish?’

‘Sure.’ Chucky said. So Bartholomew and Chucky ate some fish… and then Chucky gobbled Bartholomew right up!”

Alfred and Peter squealed with laughter. Berwald knocked the dolphin off the bed.

“Peter, do you think Chucky is full yet?”

“No!” Peter giggled.

“Why, how right you are.” Berwald grinned. He reached for another animal. “And who is this?”


“Chucky decided to visit yet another friend, Woofy the adorable little puppy.

‘Woofy,’ Chucky said, ‘I am soooo hungry.’

‘Me too!’ Woofy said.

And Woofy tore Chucky’s body to tiny little pieces.”

Alfred and Peter roared with laughter. Berwald tossed the rabbit off the bed with a chuckle of his own.

Then he saw Tino leaning on the doorframe.


“Hi.” Tino replied, very amused.

“Tino!” Alfred chirped. “Ber’s telling us a story!”

“I can see that.” Tino replied. “What interesting subject matter, too.”

Berwald shrugged helplessly, not bothering to hide his mirth.

“It’s about eating!” Alfred said earnestly. “I loo-ove eating!”


part of the family, sealand, sufin, america, sweden, finland, fanfiction

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