I wanna talk about me. :D

Oct 20, 2011 15:30

So, it's cold today.

You might say, "well, girlfriend, it's October, you know?"

And I'd reply, "you don't understand. On Monday it was sunny and 84 degrees F. On Tuesday it was sunny and 80 degrees. On Wednesday? It was 70 and rained all day. Today it is 60 and chilly and windy while being sunny at the same time!" My favorite thing about colder weather is I get to wear my trench coat (it's a light jacket, haha, not the super warm kind. but it's the best windbreaker I have EVER had!) and a scarf and when I create this combination I love to let my scarf hang down to my knees and open my coat and storm across campus like I am a Hogwarts student that is running late to class. (Oh geez, nerdy much? But heck, I gotta get my jollies somewhere!)

Another awesome thing about today: I  get chocolate chip muffins from the muffin place in the library (okay, it's like a little coffee shop, but they make the best chocolate chip muffins EVER. Hence I call it the muffin place.) So today, I did my usual "two chocolate muffins plzkthx" because they are so good 1 is not enough, and so the other girl hands me a barely full little bag. I look in and am like, whoa. Cookies?! So I say, "Whoa. I wanted muffins."

And the people were like "damn, really?" And I said "yeah, sorry." SO I GOT 2 MUFFINS AND 2 COOKIES. I ended up giving away the cookies to my neurobio friends because I am an angel and I'd much rather save those calories for an ice cream sandwich later today. XD BUT STILL FREE DELICIOUS COOKIES. Good stuff.

And in neurobio today a retiring professor came in and said he was going to be teaching a class about neurological degenerative disorders next semester (his last) and I was like WHOAWHOAWHOA WANT so I think I've got to take it. I've got to. MUST. Hopefully I can get in--he sounded like he was after seniors and I am but a lowly junior, but I am also attractive and wonderful and perhaps my charms can persuade the biology department? XD And now I am like, hm. Do I take biochem next semester or next fall? Biochem and the neuro class and my biomanufacturing minor classes might be overdoing it, you know? But I wanna take biochem with my friend who is graduating next semester?! AUGH!? Lol. Watch me find something to stress about. It is not that important at all, really. I will work something out.

I think I've decided not to study abroad again. I'm not even that sad. Every time I settled on a program something popped up that just made it incompatible with my life. It was actually irritating, trying to find something in Northern Europe that fit. So I'm going to save my cash and use the extra semester to take more courses in my awesome new minor, courses that I couldn't take abroad and that I was a bit sad I couldn't take in the first place. And also, graduate on time. YES. (Also, I really want to live abroad the first 2/3 years out of school anyway. I might get a masters and then go, or I might just go. I'll just have to see what opportunities pop up! :) )

Also, remember I posted a little memo about how obsessed I was with that video game? I think I am coming off my high lol. Now I am really not caring. There's all this guild craziness going on and I am like, "the fuck, people, this is an online game. No relevance to the real world! Hellooo. Dumbasses." So maybe I need to find a new game? XD I should do WoW research. See what kind of characters they offer. But I've heard that WoW is only free to like level 20, and IDK if I wanna pay to play. I mean, I buy video games, yeah, but this one you have to keep buying, I believe. Kind of a rip-off. :\ Plus you probably have to buy fancy shit that helps you level. That's what I'm running into with the game I'm currently playing. Might as well be up front about ripping me off.

But anyway, not being as video game nerdy frees up a lot of my time (lol) so I will probably be writing a bit more! ;) Not that my work is like Shakespeare or something, I'm a bored college kid with kind of okay grammar and lots of fluffy, porny inspiration, but I look forward to it all the same.<3 


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