As the temperature slowly rises here on the East coast, and spring/summer seem more and more like a fact rather then a quaint anecdote told my forefathers. I find myself contemplating that most perineal of spring events. No, its not the first blossoming flower nor is it the start of the bus run to the beach. Rather I'm talking about the start of the summer movie season which arguably got it's kick off this month with Alice (And no Berry, Avatar does not count! I was knee deep in snow, shovels, and salt when Avatar came out. Just because it refuses to go away. Does not make it a summer movie.......Sorry about that folks nothing to see hear). The summer movie season seems to start earlier and earlier (hence why where're talking about summer movies in March) so I thought I'd put out my list of the top 10 movies I have to see based on their storylines and trailers. Of course there will probably 1 or 2 foreign films or surprise hits that will make me add on to this list, but these are all must see films for me. Which makes me pretty excited, because I love movies and yet I've only been averaging about 3-4 movies a summer for the past couple of years due to quality. Anywhoo, Let me know if you agree with my list or if you have some other picks.
1) Clash Of The Titians-Trailer Below-Start Date:4/2/10
Must See: Because the story of Perseus is one of my favorite Greeks myths. Maybe because there's no "Uh oh" tragedy to muck up the works (I'm looking at you Oedipus and Antigone). The hero is as likable, intelligent, and brave, as he is pretty. Instead of the usual Greek "hero" AKA big headed, lying, douche (that means you Hercules and Theseus) it has two awesome villains in Medusa, and the Krakon. While the relationship between Perseus/Andromeda seems warm and geniune. I'm not a big fan of Sam Worthington. But there was no way I was missing this remake.
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2)Kick Ass-Trailer Below-Start Date:4/16/10
Must See:You know when I first read about this back during comic con when it cause a stir. I thought the idea sounded incredibly stupid. Real life super hero's. Epic fail. But then I saw the trailer and had to eat those words. Kick Ass looks to be subversive fun with an action wrapping, and a gooey comedic center. Bring it.
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3)A Nightmare on Elm Street-Trailer Below-Start Date:4/30/10
Must See:I loved the original Nightmare Series (minus 2 and 3 to 5, and incl. New Nightmare) but I'll be the first to admit it devolved from a scary, imaginative thriller into a campy, boring schlock fest (Freddy vs Jason anyone). So to see a reboot going back to it's serious scary roots just leaves me all tingly.
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4)Iron Man 2-Trailer Below--Start Date:5/7/10
Must See:Better known as the movie that made me like Gywneth Paltrow. It's fab, it's awesome, it's a ton of other superlatives. Just check out the trailer and you'll see what I mean
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5) Sex And The City-Trailer Below--Start Date:5/28/10
Must See:So the first movie was less then stellar (it might have actually sucked hard except for the wedding dress montage.) it's Carrie and the girls, how could I stay away?
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6)Losers-Trailer Below-Start Date:6/09/10
Must See:Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Idris Elba, Jason Patric, and Zoe Saldana, as BAMF ex C.I.A operatives who've been burned. I'm so there.
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7)Eclipse-Trailer Below-Start Date:6/30/10
Must See:"XGirl hears the sounds of crickets chirping as her flist looks on in stunned horror" Yeah, I've no excuse for this one. I know Buffy/Angel smarter and better but I just can't help myself. Besides seeing the utter crack of Breaking Dawn on film is just something I can't miss out on and Elipse is part of that journey.
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8) The Last Airbender-Trailer Below-Start Date:7/2/10
Must See:Never saw the cartoon. Not a fan of Anime/Manga at all. When I heard the concept and that M. Night Shyamalan was set to direct, was even less interested. Boy did that change. This movie looks beyond epic and I can't wait until it comes out.
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9)Inception-Trailer Below-Start Date:7/16/10
Must See:I have no idea what it's about but, that's half of the fun.
All Hail Christopher Nolan.
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10) Salt:-Trailer Below-Start Date:7/23/10
Must See:How could I resist Angelina bourning her away across the silver screen?
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Honorable Mentions (or movies I might see if I have the time on inclination: Scoot Pilgrim and Last Song.