i'm updating a lot today.

Jul 05, 2005 22:30

see the post before this. it has more meaning.

Last Movie You Saw In The Theatre: I want to say Batman...
Last Movie You Rented: Monty Python's Life of Brian
Last Movie You Bought: Fight Club and the two Resident Evils
Last Song You Listened To: Iron and Wine :: Red Dust
Last Song That Was Stuck In Your Head: Metallica :: Master of Puppets
Last Song You've Downloaded: Johnny Cash :: I Walk The Line
Last CD You Bought: pfffttt I don't remember.
Last CD You Listened To: Um...I think my mix of Of Montreal, Belle and Sebastian, Minus the Bear and Arcade Fire
Last Person You've Called: Ronnie?
Last Person That's Called You: Erin
Last TV Show You've Watched: Wow, I don't watch Tv.
Last Person You Were Thinking Of: *sigh*

'Do Questions'
Do You Believe In Love At First Sight? Nope
Do You Think About Suicide? Not really.
Do You Believe In Online Relationships? Meh. Not for me.
Do You Find Yourself Attractive? Occasionally.
Do You Find Yourself Ugly? Not ugly,  just not beautiful. 
Do Others Find You Attractive? I guess so. I mean, I have a lot of people trying to get with me.
Do You Want (more) Piercings? Heck yes.
Do You Drink? Occasionally.
Do You Do Drugs? Naw.
Do You Smoke? Nah.
Do You Like Fishing? Depends.
Do You Like Cleaning? Sometimes I do.
Do You Like Roller Coasters? NO!

'What do you think about....'
Long Distance Relationships: So fucking hard. I know from first hand experience. I'm in one...
High School Long Term Relationships: The break ups suck.
Using someone for personal pleasure: Aw, that's pretty bad. 
Suicide: Extremely selfish. 
Killing People: No way. Not for me.
Assisted Suicide: Retarded.
Skipping school: Depends on what's happening that day lol.
Teenage smoking: I think smoking in general is retarded, but I've been warned I'll prolly take it up when I get to New College.
Doing Drugs: Lame. I'm crazy enough without them.
Driving Drunk: Retarded to the tenth power.
Gay/Lesbian Relationships: yay!!!

Jerry Springer: Retarded, I'm sorry.
Soap Operas: ew.

'Best Questions'
Best Friend(s): Ronnie, Cindy, Matt, Danielle
Best Person To Talk To: Ronnie or Danielle
Best Relationship: Aw, the one that includes Erin and me of course. As far as friendships go, I think Ronnie and I take the cake on that one. 
Best Gum: Orbit. I need to buy some more.
Best TV Show Of All Time: Gilmore Girls!!!!
Best Thing That's Happened To You: Going to college will be.
Best School Subject: History, Maths, English...etc.
Best Thing In The World: Love, true friends, and sushi. 
Best Thing To Collect: Bottles ^_^
Best Color Of All Time: Purple, sea-green, black.
Best Piece Of Clothing You Own: My "Geek love poem" shirt.
Best Thing To Do On A Rainy Day: Read, and have hot chocolate and cuddle with someone and watch movies.
Best Stuffed Animal You've Owned: Snuggle bunny! I've had that thing since I was born. 
Best Feeling In The World: True love.

Full Name::: Catherine Marie Eveline Crafa
Nickname(s)::: Catie, Cate, Catie-pie, Rubber Ducky :D, Catie-Cat...etc.
AIM Name::: kissed by pixis
Birthday::: 16 June, 1987
Natural Hair Color::: dirty blonde
Highlights::: I have natural red highlights, which are now covered by red hair dye lol.
Eye Color::: Blue/green...yes Ron, I'm admiting it.
Glasses/Contacts::: Glasses.
Hair Style:::

Makeup:: Eyeliner is normally the only thing to go on.

At Least 3 Makeup Items U Must Wear::: Um...I only wear eyeliner.
Clothing Brand::: Mossimo jeans
3 Physical Things U Like About Yourself::: Eyes, Lips and my butt/chest now that they've grown lol.
3 Things U Dont Like::: Height, stomach, thighs.
Whats Your Biggest Fear::: being alone

Any Pets::: Cat, dog and skunkor.
What Time Do You Usually Fall Asleep:: 1am-ish
What Time Do You Usually Wake Up:: 8.

Color:: Purple, sea-green and black.
Food::: Sushi, hands down.
Drink::: Mountain Dew, Chai.
Alchoholic Drink::: Wine...Red Stripe beer, etc.
Sport To Play::: Baseball.
Sport To Watch::: See above. 
NBA Player::: Ew.
NBA Team:: Celtics, duh. Hehe. Yay for my Irishness!
Singer:: Frank Sinatra...Ella Fitzgerald...Billie Holliday
Song::: Atm, it's Fall Out Boy :: Of All The Gin Joints In All The World.
Actress::: Audrey Hepburn
Actor::: Cary Grant.
Movie::: Too many! Hitchhiker's, I <3 Huckabees, Garden State, Boondock Saints, etc.
TV Show:::  Gilmore Girls!
Reality TV Show::: Reality Tv is like...anti-reality.
Book::: Hard one...So far Hitchhiker's or Cosmicomics...besides LOTR and The Hobbit and Harry Potter.
Animal:: Penguins
Store::: Forever 21

Wearing::: Academy Is... shirt and computer boxers.
Listening To::: Thrice :: That Hideous Strength.
Tasting::: My extremely dry mouth. I'm thirsty.
Lookin At:: Teh lj client.
Smelling::: Fooood.
Feeling::: Depressed...but happy that Danielle is love. <3.
Liking::: Boys...and finding I have more people who are thinking like me. 
Talking To::: Danielle!
Thinking Of::: Boy...
Hurting::: My head.

Crush:: Erin...if you mean before him...Jeremy.
Sex:: Heh heh heh. That's for me to know.
Achoholic Drink:: 20 June lol. When I got Virginia's sister to get me a Miller at The State.
Time You Got Drunk::: Two years ago? I found I have a low tolerance to Vodka.
Smoked:: Never
Regret::: Nothing. I only learn from my mistakes.
Time You Got In Trouble:: Always.
Person You Talked To On The Phone:: Erin.
Person That IMed You:: Danielle.
Person That You IMed::: Mustard
Person You Saw::: Outside of the family? Ronnie.

:::Put An X In The "( )" If You Ever...:::
(X) Gotten Drunk
(   ) Gotten High
(X) Had Sex
(X) Been In Love
(X) Had A Real Kiss
(   ) Skinni Dipped omg i need to do that!
(   ) Played Strip Poker Strip Soul Calibur i say!!!
(X) Striped For A Guy
(X) Made Out With A Girl
(   ) Been In Trouble With The Cops
(   ) Ran From The Cops
(   ) Broken A Bone
(X) Snuck Out
(X) Ran Away
(X) Stayed Up All Night
(X) Been On The Phone For More Than 6 Hours Straight
(X) Made Out For More Than 3 Hours
(X) Wanted To Die
(X) Been Depressed
(X) Been In A Physical Fight
(   ) Been Jumped
(X) Having A Good Friend Pass Away
(X) Watch Someone Very Close To You, In Pain
(X) Cried For More Than 6 Hours Straight
(X) Been Out Of School Sick For More Than A Month
(   ) Been Suspended
(X) Blacked Out

Shy/Outgoing::: Outgoing
Pepsi/Coke::: I hate that Pepsi promotes animal testing....but they have Dew!
Burger King/Mcdonalds::: Chick-Fil-A? BK has good egg sandwhich thingies though.
Friends/Guys::: Guys are friends lol.
Bikini/One Piece:: Bikini.
Pink/Black::: Black and pink?
Party/Books::: Books
Romantic/Sexy:: Romantic
Kissing/Cuddling::: Kissing and Cuddling! At the same time!
Chocolate/Vanilla::: Chocolate
Hugs/Kisses::: BOTH!!!
Love/Lust::: Love
Pool/Beach::: Beach, duhh
Yahoo/Hotmail::: GMAIL!
Xanga/My Space::: Myspace, duhhh.
Cell Phone/Computer::: Computer. I hate talking on the phone.

>in your life, have you ever..<
>gotten shot at? Naw *knocks on wood*
>picked your nose? What little kid doesnt?
>had a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes!
>got bitten by a rapid animal? Naw.
>petted a shark? Aw! I want one!
>kissed a monkey? Nope
>kissed a girl? Heck yes
>kissed a boy? Duh
>hugged a celebrity? Do band people count? Cause then yes. 
>had a party, with beer? Naw
>went to a party, with beer? Yep.
>been raped? Eh...
>been forced to do something you didnt want to? Yep
>killed an animal? On accident ;_;
>took a car out for a spin illegily? Yep
>kissed a frog, hoping he would turn into a prince? Ew! Cooties!
>thought you were gay/bisexual? I...am.
>punched someone, in the face? No ;_;
>had the cops called on you? Nope
>shot a gun at someone? No way.
>listened to your siblings phone calls? Lol probably.
>listened to the band "less than jake"? Wtf kinda question is that?! Duhh
>ate a whole watermelon? Naw
>ate cat/dog food? Ew! No!
>wanted to be wonder woman? Heck yes! 
>wanted to be superman? Who didn't?!
>watched teletubies? Oh god, no.
>thought you were going to die? Yep
>been so scared you pee'd your pants? Actually, no.
>had a friend steal your bf/gf? Nope. Someone I extremely disliked, kinda...it was going to end anyways.
>fell off a trampoline? No way. I'm awesome.
>played football in the nude? Football is the lame.
>streaked? Not yet.
>lead someone on? Naw. I'm not that mean.
>had a broken heart? Perpetually.
>messed around with an older girl/guy? Heck yes.
>tried to re-inact "jackass"? No...but I was supposed to tape it when Chris and Drew did. Never happened.

Where was the last place you:
1- ate? Home
2- had fast food? Taco Bell!
3-Listened to music? Computer!
4- went to sleep? My bed. The other bed I've fallen asleep on this week was much more comfortable ; )
5- talked to someone? Just a few seconds ago, in my house.

What was the last thing you:
6- ate? Shrimp on a stick
7- put on? Boxers.
8- touched? Um...keyboard duh.
9- put your name on? New College stuff.
10- jumped on? Boys?
Who was the last person you:
11- ate with? My daddy.
12- talked to? Kurt
13- touched(and what did you do? i.e. poke hugs ect.):: Person? Ronnie. Hugs. Thing? Keyboard. Poked it.
14- IMed? Kent
15- called? Ronnie I think.
16- What’s your crush’s or bf/gf’s name? Erin Michael Quillin
17- Who can you tell anything to? Ronnie
18- Who do you trust the most? Danielle and Kent.
19- Where’s your favorite place to go? The beach. And downtown.
20- What religion are you? Pagan

21- What kind of shampoo do you use? John Frida Colour Keep for Reds
22- Favorite Comfort food? Ice Cream
23- Favorite piece of furniture? My book shelves
24- Favorite taste? Sushi! And boy/girl, duh!
25- Favorite song? Atm, Fall Out Boy :: Of All The Gin Joints In All The World.

NoT sO rAnDoM-
26- Favorite color? Purple, sea-green and black.
27- What’s your name? Catie
28- What would you like your name to be? Mae, Gwenh...etc.
29- What planet are you from? Mercury.
30- What race are you? I'm as white as they come lol. Seriously. I'm like...translucent.

Either or-
31- Fall or winter? Both.
32- Silver or gold? Silver
33- Music or Dance? Both?
34- Singing or playing an instrument? Both lol.
35- Eating or sleeping? Sleeping. Unless there is sushi.
36- Pencil or pen? Pen.
37- PC or laptop? PC
38- True Love or an affair? True love
39- Guys or girls? Both.
40- Girl friends or Guy Friends? Guy friends, for the most part.

So I have deemed that Danielle and Kent are the best people in the world by far.
Danielle, we're going to have so much fun friday! I'll make sure of it!
Everyone will wish they could be as cool as us lol.

I love ya girl!

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