Cat and Mouse Games (1/1)

Nov 09, 2011 16:34

Title: Cat and Mouse Games
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Rating: PG
Word Count: 409
Summary: Written for Prompt 4 of the dramionedrabble 2011 Halloween Challenge. Prompt 4 had to include any/all of the following: Chocolate, Enchanted, Banshee.

With a flick of his wand, Draco extinguished the light of their shared office. False moonlight streamed through the enchanted window, creating an eerie glow. Hermione's head rested on her desk, a streak of ink marring the porcelain skin of her cheek. She had fallen asleep again whilst working late. He couldn't have asked for a more perfect condition for a little mischief.

Picking up a small box that fit perfectly into the palm of his hand, he aimed it in the direction of his sleepy office mate and opened it, allowing the object inside to project itself toward her. She awoke with a jolt as it landed on her face. With a piercing scream, she flailed her hands over face and hair trying to knock it off.

Draco cackled in delight. "Merlin, Granger! It's only a chocolate frog. No need for the theatrics."

Her face flushed and eyes narrowed as she picked up her wand. "Laugh it up, Malfoy. When I'm through with you, you're going to be wailing like a Banshee."

He bolted from the office with Hermione hot on his heels. "It was just a little Halloween trick!" he called over his shoulder as they ran through the empty halls of the Ministry. Everyone else had left hours ago.

The game of cat and mouse continued for a good ten minutes until they found themselves on opposite sides of a desk, both breathing heavily from running. If she moved to the left, he would shift in turn. After a couple attempts of trying to fake him out, she decided to go another route.

Leaning forward on the desk, her pink tongue darted out to wet her lips. “You know, Draco, a treat would have been much more pleasant than a trick.”

He eyed her lustily. “What kind of treat are we talking about?”

“Only the best kind,” she replied with a saucy grin.

He sauntered around the desk and leaned into her personal space, pressing his body against hers. Craning his head down to meet her lips, he felt her warm, inviting breath as he closed his eyes.

A sharp sting had them flying back open.

“Ow! You pinched my bum!”

Pushing him back, she gave him a victorious grin. “Hmm, looks like the trick is on you.”

With a flick of her hair, she walked away.

Watching the sway of her derrière, he smirked to himself.

“That’s what you think.”

And the chase began again…

challenge/fest: dramione drabble, rating: pg, pairing: draco/hermione, holiday: halloween/samhain, fandom: harry potter, length: one-shot

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