For the Sake of Unity (1/1)

Nov 09, 2011 16:29

Title: For the Sake of Unity
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1499
Summary: Written for Prompt 3 of the dramionedrabble 2011 Halloween Challenge. Prompt 3 had to include any/all of the following: Vampire, Portkey, Boggart. This drabble contains mild suggestiveness.

For the seventh time within an hour, Hermione squirmed in discomfort. During the last few years since the war, the Ministry of Magic had held various social functions as an example to encourage unity within the wizarding world. However, it was all for show. Other than a handful of exceptions, there was still resentment between many parties that did not look to be resolved anytime soon.

This year, it was decided that the Halloween celebration would be a black tie masquerade. Instead of the usual costumes, wizards and witches were bedecked in their finest robes and dresses topped off by fancy masks. She figured it was the Ministry's attempt to get people to break out of their regular social groups by creating anonymity, like something out of a Regency novel. However, it did not take a genius to work out who was who. Looking to her left, she could plainly see Harry trying to figure out how to wear his glasses and his mask. Beside him stood Ron, his fiery red hair giving him away as a Weasley. She spotted a girl twirling in the middle of the dance floor in movements that could only be made by one Luna Lovegood.

In the middle of it all, Hermione sat under layers of black silk and tulle held up by a much too tight corset top. She would sigh, but that would require breathing. At least her bosoms looked good and, according to Ginny, that's all that mattered.

Thinking that it might give her lungs a little relief, she decided to stand and take a turn about the room. Feeling parched, she spied a bowl of pumpkin juice on the refreshment table and made her way over. She reached for the ladle only to encounter another hand. Her gaze roamed from the hand, up the arm, and to the stormy grey gaze of Draco Malfoy.

"Bugger off, Granger," he snarled, slightly pulling on the ladle.

Tightening her grip, she tugged back. "I got here first!"

The childish display escalated until they were locked in a tug of war over the spoon. Droplets of juice sprinkled across Hermione's chest, drawing Malfoy's attention. Taking in the view, he quirked his mouth and gave her a lascivious look. Before she could berate him for his inappropriateness, she gasped at the familiar pull in her gut as she and Malfoy were whisked away.

They landed roughly amidst dirt and leaves, their masks and Portkey lost somewhere along the journey. For a second, Hermione thought she had fractured a rib, but it was more likely the corset causing the pain. Draco jumped to his feet as she struggled with yards of material. Once standing, she took in their surroundings. They seemed to be in a forest, but exactly where, she was unsure.

"Wh--" Malfoy smacked his hand over her mouth and pulled her back against him with his free arm. As she began struggling, he turned her around in the opposite direction going stock-still when her sight landed on a clearing.

Draco's hot breath ghosted along her ear. "Do you see vampires?" he whispered. His voice was so quiet, she almost couldn't hear.

Barely moving her head, she nodded. A whoosh of air left his lungs at her confirmation. Pulling out his wand, he wordlessly cast a Muffliato Charm then walked them backwards into the brush at an excruciatingly slow pace. Once they reached a safe distance, he finally let her go and stepped away. She shivered at the loss of the warmth of his body.

They made multiple attempts to Apparate and perform the Portus Charm, but neither seemed to work. They were stuck.

Hermione's brain was buzzing with questions. Where were they? Why would someone want to send them here? Why couldn't they leave? Did they really just see a coven of vampires?

"Honestly, I was hoping they were boggarts," Draco drawled.

Oh. She must have been talking out loud.

"You're still talking out loud, Granger." He was looking at her like she was off her rocker. "Now, come on before we encounter any more blood suckers."

They had been walking for a while when Malfoy suddenly stopped and turned to her.

"Lose the dress."

Her eyes widened. "Excuse me?!"

"I'm not trying to get fresh, Granger, but that dress is catching every little branch and making a bloody racket. You may as well paint a big target on us."

"Nooo!" she protested, shaking her head vehemently.

"What if we have to run or something? Don't tell me that getup won't slow you down." His face reflected superiority. "I thought you were logical."

Silently cursing his valid reasoning, she started tearing at the skirt of her gown, blushing all the while. Huffing with impatience, Malfoy marched forward and gripped her skirt. Using his wand, he precisely cut around the waist until the material pooled around her feet. She stood before him in her corset top, black satin knickers with garters and stockings.

Ginny was now banned from choosing her undergarments.

Draco raised a brow. "Well, aren't you full of surprises?"

Crossing her arms against the chilly night air, Hermione chose to ignore him.

"Wow. This is like a dream come true -- an embarrassed Hermione Granger standing before me and not saying a word." Smirking at her continued silence, he took off his outer robe and tossed it at her. "Put that on so you don't freeze to death."

Reluctantly, she wrapped the robe around her shoulders. It was still warm from his body and smelled faintly of expensive cologne.

After traversing over hill and dale, they finally found shelter in the form of a cave. They built a fire just inside the mouth and sat close for warmth. Despite the heat of the flames, Hermione still shivered.

"You know, we would get warmer quicker if we actually sat closer together." She really hoped her suggestion came out nonchalant.

"Oh, I'm plenty warm enough." His eyes glittered mischievously in the firelight. "However, if you want to be close to me, feel free to scoot on over."

She pulled his robe around herself tighter. "No. I'm... fine."

"Don't be such a stubborn witch!" Standing, he grabbed under her arms, hefting her up against him. His robe fell from her shoulders as he pulled her body flush with his. "Now, isn't this better?"

"I-I'm feeling quite warm now." Actually, she felt like she was going to burst into flames.

"You know, Granger, we could die before morning." Hermione looked at him in befuddlement. He was talking about dying, but his tone wasn't panicky or scared. It was so... matter-of-fact.

Taking in her silence and confusion, he continued, "I think I'd like to satisfy a long standing curiosity before our imminent deaths."

Speechless, she watched as his face came closer and closer. She nearly went cross-eyed before finally succumbing and allowing her lids to shut as his mouth met hers. His lips were warm and pliant and just right. Tentatively, she allowed her tongue to enter into play only to meet his halfway. He groaned his approval and held her tighter.

This time, she was sure it wasn't the corset making her breathless.

He pulled back and trailed over her jaw without actually touching her. He kept her in a state of anticipation with his mouth hovering just a millimeter above her skin allowing his breath to tease her. Feeling like a string that had been pulled too tight, she nearly squealed when he finally landed on her collar bone, licking his way down until he was between her breasts.

"You taste like pumpkin juice." He chuckled into her cleavage causing a ticklish sensation. She joined him in his laughter over the ridiculousness of the situation that landed them there in the first place. Still smiling, he brought his mouth back to hers.

They had been snogging for a few moments when they were interrupted by the sound of shattering glass. Pulling back, they found themselves back in the middle of the Ministry ballroom with all eyes on them: Draco Malfoy tonguing a half-naked Hermione Granger.

Once someone had the decency to provide Hermione with some cover, a Ministry official explained that the Portkeys were meant as a team building device. The magic sensed their animosity and they would be unable to return until they resolved it.

"They resolved it, alright," someone muttered.

Both were angry at the danger they had been put in and embarrassed by the show they had inadvertently put on for the entire Ministry. Malfoy launched into a tirade, but Hermione decided to leave. She had been humiliated enough for one night.

"Hey Granger," Draco called out as he jogged to catch up with her. His face was still slightly flushed from yelling. "I was just wondering if you'd like to satisfy some more curiosities?"

Giving him a sly smile, she licked her lips and replied, "Meet me at the Floo."

Maybe there was something to this unity thing after all.

challenge/fest: dramione drabble, rating: pg-13, pairing: draco/hermione, holiday: halloween/samhain, fandom: harry potter, length: one-shot

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