REVERSE CHALLENGE 2013-14, a unique Hawthorn & Vine fest

Sep 02, 2013 13:07

The mods over at Hawthorn & Vine have announced the REVERSE CHALLENGE 2013-14 combining both fanfic and fan art! The first Reverse Challenge ran in 2010 to great success, so it's exciting to see another round. Not familiar with the Reverse Challnge? Here's some info from the H&V mods:

What's a Reverse Challenge?
Whereas some fests have an author writing a story which is then given to an artist to create art based on that story, a 'Reverse Challenge' inverts it so that artists create images first, and authors then write works inspired by the images. The first phase is the initial creation period for the artists, at the end of which their work will be submitted. Once we have all submissions, we'll match the art to the authors that have signed up to participate. Because there are in general more writers than artists in our fandom, each piece will likely have more than one fic inspired by it. The art and the fic will be presented together once posting begins.

What kind of art will be accepted?
Traditional, digital, and/or manipulation, featuring Draco and Hermione... are all acceptable, as long as the work is newly created for this fest and never been posted. If you need any further explanation or inspiration, you can check out what was created for Reverse Challenge 2010. Sorry, no icons or videos will be accepted.

What if I would like to submit both art and fic?
You're more than welcome to! There will be an option on the sign-up to choose to submit both.

What if I would like to submit more than one piece of artwork?
Hey, go you! As we'll likely have less artists than authors, we'll be thrilled to accept any new work you'd like to submit.


September 7th - 21st: Artist and Author sign-ups
September 21st - November 9th: Artist Creation period
11:59pm, November 9th: Art Due
November 9th - 23rd: Assignments sent to Authors
November 23rd - January 18th: Author Creation Period
11:59pm, January 18th: Stories Due
February 1st: Posting begins

For the complete list of Rules & Guidelines, please visit Hawthorn & Vine.

harry potter, hawthorne & vine, fan-fiction, challenges & fests

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