Dec 27, 2008 00:09
Well, I've been looking at rental houses in Florida. They're so CHEAP! The cheapest I saw was about $900, and it was a 4 bed home. It was already leased when we got an answer about it. There's a 3 bed 2 bath home on Elgin near Mainer. It's in waving distance of my parents house, which we founded hilarious. I wouldn't mind backing out onto Elgin, but fuck Mariner lol. We didn't get an answer about it yet. BUT our storage manager told us he rents houses and we might go from him. That's the plan so far. But i think in a few years we're definately moving to Spring Hill, near my parents. By that time, if all goes well, we would have a 3 year old (the oldest possible). We finally gave up on our donor. Out of a year, he donated 3 times. He keeps saying he "can't" or he doesn't show up. SOO...we're looking into a cyrobank down in Phoenix. We have money set aside for the necessities for the first months. It will $750 for everything (we already bottles and clothes and a bath, ect). For once, we would love to take a pregnancy test, and have it say yes. A house out there to buy is about $145,000. You could only get houses that cheap out here if it's foreclosed. We would want a 4 to 5 bedroom if we're gonna buy so we could grow in it. The age range we want from our first and our second would be 3 years at the oldest, then 2 years after. There's no way for be to become pregnant in Dec., so now all we want is to have the baby before December of next year. Next year we're planning to go out there for Xmas since this year didn't work out. It would be awesome if we could bring my mom's first grandchild with us. We're so excited for that, to bring a newborn to see everyone.
We FINALLY put lights up in the dining room above the acadia door. We can't have lights or any decor outside because the lady who runs the HOA is a jew (not really, she's just a huge bitch..but still). It's a $50 fine every 7 days, so yesterday someone put their lights up (but can't get fined because it's like 4 days til Xmas). But we got a reef out in the front, and I wanna get red and green lights for the front also. Last night after we got all the Xmas shopping done with, sarah bought me window clings for the windows.
We opened our presents last night because Mom went to the hospital. The day before we took her to see her doctor and she took a mini mental exam and scored 14/30 =/ She was really tired so we took her into her room and put the tiny heater on and she slept through the rest of the day and night. When we woke up, we went in her and she looked like a parapelegic. She couldn't lift her head up to swallow her water, so she choked twice. She didn't ANY attention span. She couldn't follow my finger. Couldn't talk or make any noise at all. She acted like she had a stroke. So we called 911 and the firemen know us by name now, and I never saw them get here so fast and take her out so fast before. They took her temp which was 105.7 (3 times) and her sugar was unreadable, which meant it was above 600. When she got to the hospital, she went into a trauma room. They had to put a coolant blanket under her, saw an a-line put in, the rn had to put an IV in her neck, which looked painful. She had 4 IVs in not uncluding an incilin drip. Let's just say she SLEPT THROUGH HER A-LINE! Holy crap, how could ANYONE sleep through that? The RT who did the a-line taught me step through step while she did it. It was cool to watch because I can't go to school for RT until I'm pregnant. Anyway, 3 hrs later she went to the ICU, which wasn't what I was expecting because in school they showed us some scarey shit about ICUs. But...she had her own HUGE room and there was always someone checking up on her and they were always nice to her. She came to the next day and was very sweet. We stayed there until she wanted to sleep. Then we got a phone call...actually 3 calls in the afternoon saying that she's being very combative and that she's screaming to call 911 and that they're going to restrain her.So we ran over there and calmed her down. She's still pissed at us for leaving her like that and making her stay at the hospital against her will. They've been giving her a mental med which calms her down. She stills has a couple of IVs and her sugar is down to the 100's. She went into another room 2 floors up (4th floor), and she wouldn't let us leave. They finally gave her morphine and she went to sleep. She kept threatening that if we leave that she's going to scream. She is being so mean, that we don't even know how to act. She kept answering her heart monitor like a phone and keep hearing and saying things that make no sense. EVERYONE (except the psychiatric doctor) thinks that she's crazy. She has been diagnosed with dementia or beginning alzheimers. We really don't know what to do, because they also think that she may have fibromyalgia, which means her muscles are weakening and she has a lot of pain when touched. So this makes it very hard for us to take care of her, but finally some explainations. Sarah's grandparents (Patti's ex-inlaws) are coming to see her today.
Today we have to call the cyrobank, send presents, and find mom a new doctor. I really hope we get to do all of them because the weekend is near and I would like to get this stuff done before the new year.