Dec 18, 2008 00:37
I cleaned the patio. It looks soo much better now except for the swim stuff which is going into a tote when I get to the garage. We've been lacking on laundry forever now, and for the best few days, I think there's more clean than dirty. Yay! We've been taking the dogs out a lot to go to the bathroom, and they're actally doing better than I expected. We take them to our friends house so they can run around in the backyard but after Logan came home skittish and scared for like 3 days they're not going to go over there. We couldn't even raise our voice when she did something bad because her stub of a tail would go in between her legs and she'll get down really low and run and pee. The peeing because she was scared finally stopped. But we knew something had to have happen to her because she never did that since we first took her home and she did it only for the first couple days. Now she's back to her old self; playing with Gracie, cuddling, tail sticking straight up into the air, curious of everything. We missed her lol. For the first 3 days after she came home, she got away with EVERYTHING because she acted soo much different.
Anyway, onto better news. On the 12th I got to go birthday shopping for Sarah, and amazingly enough, I did it while she was in the store with me WITHOUT her knowing or even getting a hint of what I got her. I had a hundred dollar spending limit, so this is what I bought: slippers, PSP with Sonic Rivals 2 and Spiderman Friend or Foe and a memory card (also, a cupcake/cake thing from the bakers, a huge pack of tissue paper, a huge birthday bag, a bow and a card)
The total was $336!!
:D Wow, did I do good on my limit or what!! hahaha! It's okay, she was fine with it lol. I already beat the spiderman game, kinda. I know the 2 "secret characters", but they weren't in the file where all the characters I persuaded were. Hmm.
(this might get a little confusing)
I wrapped the slippers up in a capri sun box (they fit perfectly) and I taped it up and wrapped it in tissue paper. I added note cards with little phrases like "You got capri suns for your birthday!" and I wrapped the games and memory card in a oatmeal box (fit perfectly too) and the psp box on the bottom of another box with the oatmeal box on top and I wrapped tissue paper around the psp so it looked like there was this huge thing in this big box until you opened it. I also put more tissue paper in the big box on top of the small box. On the note card that I put on the big box said "I think this box is a DUD!" and then I put everything in the bag and again, covered it with LOTS of tissue paper.
Well, I let her open one box (but to the unknown eye, there were 2 things in the bag) and so I let her open the capri sun box the night before her bday...which led to her opening everything. lol. Which she was happy cause she would've been embaressed with ALL the tissue paper at dinner. I was really shocked with her reaction about the psp. Once she saw the games she was like YOU DIDN'T..... and she seriously ripped off the tisue paper hiding the psp and she was like YOU DID!! it was really cute, and she didn't care how much I spent. I was really happy that I chose such a good present because i as worried about the amount when I found out (at the register..)
Aaaaaaand, well... I also gave her another bday surprise, but, thats for behind closed doors.
Her birthday dinner was awesome, spoken from both of us. We dressed up really nice. Sarah looked the best though, after the last minute shopping lol. She got a new dress shirt with a tie and black pants and a belt. We drove down to Scottsdale and ate at The Melting Pot. We knew it was a really nice restaurant but once we got there, and saw it was right next to a Blimpie, we calmed down a little. Lol. We actually felt a little over dressed. lol. Well, at least for her because of the tie. lol. Our waitress was awesome and so was this other waiter that also helped us. The food was DELICIOUS! We sat diagnally from this huge glass box that was filled with a lot of pieces of glass with a fire going. It looked like they had oxygen into the fire cause it danced in spirals at random moments. It was so relaxing, and it was such a perfect night.
Til that monthly devil came the next day.
Heh. Sucks huh? lol.
Today was gracie's bday. Our little girl is ONE YEARS OLD!!! And Logan will be 8 months on the 27. They're getting so old.
We saw Bolt some time that week with Steph(10), Susie(8) and Stevie(7). Stevie and I cried. I cried twice.
We were walking out to the car and I told them that I cried and of course they laughed, and Stevie was l like, "I cried too" and I laughed a little and I hugged him and I was like THAT'S MY BOY!! Then Sarah and I cracked up lol. This boy (in previous days) wore make up, fake fingernails, cries/whines alll the time, and fought susie for my rainbow blanket. But we shall make no assumptions...
On the 19th we are going to see Yes Man! and hopefully Desperaux (I think I spelt that okay...) The movie with the mouse that has big ears and not afraid of cats and knives..
Then for Christmas, since I'm not going to Fl, we wanna make it a movie day and go see Marley and Me, Bedtime Stories and MAYBE The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, but maybe not because of Brad Pitt. But because Angelina Jolie got pissed at him in this movie, we actually might go see it :)
We think it was really cool that Jen Aniston and Coutnery Cox have 2 movies out on the same day AND that Lisa Kudrow was in a commercial AFTER Marley and Me was on. We like Friends..
Anyway, I think that might be all.
Sarah's mom is going crazy. We think she might have dementia. She hasn't remembered anything in the past years for ever now, til recently. Now, she's seriously LIVING in the past. She says names out of nowhere that Sarah has never heard of. She forgot that she sister was a tran and married Tracey but she knew her age and year when she thought this. She will call Sarah in a tone she called her when she a little. She would talk to herself. There would be people in her room. 4 days ago she thought it was Christmas and that we were stuck in Payson because of the snow and she would tell us that some people who are dead now are there. She keeps getting out of bed even though she has one leg and would say she needs to do the laundry, which would be in room. Her case worker came in to see her and told Sarah that it's because of a UTI (which she has had many times before this WITHOUT her acting this way) and she finally stopped thinking that when she signed her name ON the print when her case worker was pointing to the line. If we asked her to move her arm, she would move her stump. She is VERY mean one minute then nice as can be the next.
For example: We all sat down at the table to eat the cupcakes. She didn't understand that it was Sarah's birthday. We put the cupcake ON her plate and took off the paper for her. Instead, she picked at the cupcake on the tray when we kept telling her that there was one on her plate and she'll give Sarah this dirty look and be like I know, I am eating off my plate. And then we ate the icing and it made our lips and teeth blue and so we were playing with each other with the icing and mom would be like "You know you guys will have to go to school like that the next day". It really made Sarah upset because she just acted this way in just a month and it's getting worse. We thought it might be the meds but we took her off of them, or at least a couple we thought might be the reason why she was acting like this, but it got worse.
The last thing to go is the mind. That's all Sarah can tell me. It's really hurting her. I hate to see her like this.
Anyway, Logan and I are going to watch her play RockBand (Logan LOVES