Sep 03, 2008 20:16
I am back home now, and things slowly start to get back into normal. I don't know if normal is good, I used to think it's not and always had the urge to go all out and hit big highs and lows, but look at where it got me. It''s strange though, b/c amidst all this crazy pace and uncertainty, I kind of feel strong, like through it all i got myself to count on and right now that's enough. People who know me well, like friends and some people at work can tell sth's wrong, that i'm like a wounded animal right now, maybe it's pathetic to say it but that's how i feel so i'll admit it. Nothing else I can do than accept the given situation, b/c i know that's the only way to learn and grow from it, and most importantly come out unharmed. Did I say 'grow'? I'm not even sure if I care about that right now.
Yeah so some people talk about 40-hour weeks, these days i work a 60-hour one. It's not easy, but it's good to see my limits and obviously it's good for the money. I get on the subway and just go to work and put my best to it, that's all. My boss seems to really appreciate it but honestly, i don't do it for him. I do it for myself, cliched as it is i pride myself in simply being a hard-working man. And after all, it's the best and most straight way to help me forget about all type of emotional turbulences.... Speaking of the subway, man!, this place is a microcosm of its own, like you see a miniature society in there, cause everybody gets on the freakin subway! It's funny the looks I get sometimes, cause I always look and actually am either totally amused or totally baffled w/ what's happening in my life,...don't think I'm ever blank. It's also really really strange when sometimes, maybe I make eyes w/ girls and stuff, and there is a 3rd person looking at the whole situation... like, weird!? Anyways, SNFU have a song called "Reality's a Ride on the Bus", I'll say the same but for the subway!
Gee, I'm a bit tired. I'm gonna go now, go home, get changed, and then get back out again. I stayed in last night and the night before that, so I think it's okay to go and visit some friends for a drink and a laid back chat. And tomorrow... well tomorrow will be another day I guess...
Can I please get one more?