(no subject)

Jan 15, 2011 22:44

New year, new post! Woo! One day I'll remember to keep this thing updated.

Back and working at Half Price Books, until February, at least! It's good to see everyone there again! And oh, the reading crack...

Christmas was awesome! I finally got a smart phone - picked up a Droid 2 Global. (PS - new phone number! If you need it, message me or look on my Facebook info!) A full set of 120 Faber-Castell Polychromos colored pencils. Oh, they are amazing. *kicks her waxy Prismacolors to the curb* I also got a new CD player for my car, since my old one was kicking the bucket. A copy of "Zoo Story," "Stokes Field Guide to Birds," "Audubon Society Field Guide to the Pacific Northwest" (I loved their Florida one!) a few gift certificates, and Snuggie. Yeah, you can be jealous.

Getting back into running! See, the thing about running on a place called "Cougar Mountain" is... there's hills. Lots of them. Big ones. One of my regular runs has a segment that's about a mile, almost 200 ft elevation gain, and 7% grade. Ouch. Rarely can I make it up that without walking a couple hundred yards. Ah, well! It'll help in the long run! Starting to get into a training cycle for the Vancouver Marathon on May 1, so Van peeps - Kirsten wants to come play!! XD I also bit the bullet and put my name into the lottery for the New York City Marathon this year. My chances aren't that great, I know it can take people a few tries, but I've never been to NYC, and it would be awesome to run a race there...

Felt the drawing itch a lot lately! I've been playing around with some little cartoon animals (um, baby okapis are still freakin' adorable. Disney-style baby okapi character has invaded my sketchbook) I also tried out the new colored pencils on this drawing of Chuck and Sarah. Chuck has freaky eyes. Blah. Should do some more portraits to work on that. But I'm pretty damn proud of the hands. I usually suck at those! Had a request awhile back for a drawing of Emily (Ben's mom, Helen Mirren's character) from National Treasure: Book of Secrets, so I need to get going on that one. I've also been planning a big piece to celebrate WDW's 40th anniversary this year, and I'd REALLY love to get a piece entered in the Official D23 Expo Fan Art Contest.

And speaking of things art-y...

So I've come to the conclusion that I'd like to go back to school. Zookeeping is a super-competitive field, and while I love it, I don't have the experience or contacts to get a job in this economy. So I've decided I want to go back to school and study animation! I've loved it since I was little, and would love to do it for a living. So I'm looking at an Associate's degree program in Animation Art and Design at the Art Institute of Seattle. I've even considered their BFA in Media Arts and Animation, but money is a concern... I'm just curious if my college coursework would take out most of the GEs and make it much quicker. I really wanna do it... now I just need to figure out the financial side of it. $20k a year... yikes... In any case, I'm gonna see about getting down there in the next week or two or a campus tour and to talk to an admissions advisor. Fingers crossed!

Oh, and GO SEAHAWKS!!! :D

running, art

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