Title: Everyday Moments
Fandom: Firefly
Characters: Kaylee
Prompt: #003 Moments
Word Count: 135
Rating: PG
Summary: It was the small things that Kaylee loved.
Notes: Written for Jewel Staite (and given to her at the Brisbane Supanova) and
It was the small things that Kaylee loved.
A smile between friends. A sunset or a sunrise. The blur of colours, sounds and activities planet-side as people went about their lives. A simple gesture that he cared.
It was the everyday moments she believed that could truly make someone’s day.
She saw no reason to seek out more than that.
Such beauty and joy was so rare and hard to come by that to ignore what was right there would be foolish.
Every day and night she breathed in the air of the ‘verse, Kaylee tried to impart that wisdom on, whether it be with an act of kindness or even just a smile. By the time she was done, the world would be painted a little brighter. It was the least she could do.