Title: Words Unheard
Fandom: Firefly
Characters: River
Prompt: # writers choice
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: There were voices coming from the other room.
Notes: Written for
ficlets100. 21/4/12.
There were voices coming from the other room. Soft, but purposeful. She wished she knew what they were saying. The words were too indistinct to make out, too muffled. They spoke of things she couldn’t hear, couldn’t sense, couldn’t know.
She couldn’t make out the words. She couldn’t even guess what they might be saying. She didn’t know who was there, who the speakers were. She knew so little that it wasn’t worth making an assumption. She couldn’t make a calculated guess without more evidence.
So, she listened to the whispers of air, let them caress her mind, words unheard.