Title: Uncertainties Made Certain
Fandom: House MD
Characters: House/Cuddy
Prompt: #019 A twist of fate
Word Count: 195
Rating: T+
Summary: She had always wanted to be a mother.
Notes: Written for
20_fics. 9/10/09.
She had always wanted to be a mother. The idea of bringing life into the world, nurturing it and caring for it had set the desire firmly in her mind.
She wanted a child.
She really, really, more than anything wanted a child, and so when she was a month late, it was all she could think about.
Was she pregnant?
Had her time come?
She hoped so but was at the same time cautious of getting too excited.
It could be a false alarm.
If it wasn’t though, if it was really happening, what would the father think?
Would he feel as strongly about it as she?
Would he be okay with it?
Would he?
There was only one way to be sure.
After she took a pregnancy test (her hands trembled from the moment she opened the box to the moment she got her answer), she headed for his office.
He glanced up when she lingered in the doorway and raised an eyebrow. “Cuddy?”
She could feel her eyes well up as she told him. “House, I’m pregnant. We’re gonna be parents.”
She allowed the excitement to set fully in when he smiled.