Title: Find Someone Else
Fandom: Robin Hood
Characters: Robin/Marian
Prompt: #004 Knight in shining armour
Word Count: 194
Rating: T+
Summary: He looks at her with those deep, knowing eyes and finally, she can't take it anymore.
Notes: Written for
10_per_genre. 17/8/10.
He looks at her with those deep, knowing eyes and finally, she can't take it anymore.
He thinks he knows what's best for her, what she should be doing. He thinks she's not strong enough to do the things she does as the Night Watchman. Well, she'd been doing it for three years now, alone. He could think what he liked, but she had no intention of changing. Not for him.
He hadn't changed who he was for her. He'd gone to the Holy Lands to protect the King. He'd left her behind. He'd left her heart in pieces.
She glares at him and crosses her arms over her chest. "I don't need a knight in shining armour! If that's what you're looking for, find someone else!"
She can't help but feel guilty at the pain that mars his face at her outburst. She hides it as best she can, behind a scowl. She can't let him see past her words.
He swallows and takes a step back. "All I was looking for was you," he says. "But it appears I'm not wanted. I'll go."
She doesn't have the courage to stop him.