Title: Without Kaylee
Fandom: Firefly
Characters: Kaylee, Serenity
Word Count: 78
Rating: G
Summary: Without Kaylee, she is barely anything.
Notes: Written on 16/7/10.
I know I'll sink without you,
Take this ocean of pain that is mine,
Throw me a lifeline
- Brook Fraser "Lifeline"
Without Kaylee, she is barely anything. She's a weak imitation, more ready to fall to pieces and break. More difficult to put back together. Kaylee gets her. Kaylee understands.
The girl is a wonder, with her deft fingers and warm heart and her knowledge of engine parts.
Without Kaylee, she'll very likely crash and burn one day. She will sink. And without Kaylee to throw her a lifeline and reel her back in, she will meet her end.