Title: Similarities Author: xfindyourlight Pairing: Quinn/Kurt friendship; mentions of Kurt/Puck Spoilers/Warnings: none. Summary: "We're not so different, you and I."
OMG. Lauren!! I love ADORE this. It's so great, and these charachters must be so much fun to play with. You've just singlehandedly reminded me of how much I miss writing fanfiction. <3 guh. Please keep writing. Where are you a part of a community for this? I think I'm about to dive headfirst into some Glee Fanfiction!
Nice. I don't like Kurt/Puck, but that's not really the point of this story so I'm okay with it. I like the idea of Kurt and Quinn being friends. Makes me think of how Quinn treated Mercedes in 'Home.' Cheers!
Comments 7
I love gleeslash and gleefic. They have all sorts of pairings for your likings.:)
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