Jun 12, 2006 19:38
Cottage Weekend Quotes
June 9-11/06
Sheppy: "The Government introduced Mountain Lions to control the Bear population but now the Mountain Lions and Bears are working together"
Ellen: "When you're your age you think you are going to live forever"
Georgia: "Well yes, by the time we are your age there will be cryogenic freezing"
John: "It feels that way now with the door open"
Georgia: "mumble.......jellobox.......mumble"
Georgia: "I'm still dreaming that you are a Sri Lankan Prince"
Sheppy: "If I brought a white girl back there they would kill you"
Me: "Thats what the sunless tanning is for"
John: (On fishing) "So all we've done so far is taken a worm out for a swim"
Sheppy: *Boat is floating away* "Hey aren't we supposed to be tied to that?"
Georgia: (On loosing our fishing bait) "I don't think rocks eat worms"
John: (clogged toilet) "It goes to show that tampons work"
John: (On the weekend): No fish......no toilet......no barbeque....no sun either"
Sheppy: "Don't worry about Vampires, it's the mosquitoes that'll get you"
Me: "I'm gonna take these quotes and write them in my online journal"
Beth: "Oh God you have an online journal?"
Me "Yeah Beth I write about you in there"
"The best place in the world, is wherever your friends are"-The guy on the cell phone commercial