*On the back of a motorbike with your arms outstretched..

Oct 16, 2005 17:00

friday as blank:
movies as fuck with carl. after school, i met geese, HILL?!, and carl, and we all walked to the mall, and then split up. i got a sweatshop cd and a straylight run ep, and then we went to wait for geese and HILL?!.
criminal was scared she was gunna get caught, so we started walking towards the movies and stuff.
we saw elizabethtown. it was cute. he was hot. she was gorgeous by the end of the movie.
after, we ate at swiss chalet and pretty much got in a fist fight. roffey showed up, he was lovin it.
saturday as blank:
i got up like before 8, and had to go to keswick for drivers ed. the ladys pretty nice, and dave & jen kasper are in that class, so its serendipitously bearable.
that night, we picked up carl, went to wendys and stuff, and then to dianas. carlys beautifully developed sister greeted me at the door. carl had a depends moment when i popped in her room.
ivan was working the drivethrough. i miss that setta tits.
i finally met dianas dad. hes so wicked and soo danny devito. on the way home, i was thinking about joining the names into danny conteto.
"who are you seeing tonite? death by cappucino?"
we got there way before doors, so we walked around to dominion and captain johns. it was really just a time waster. we saw brad, who said she was sick, but was definitely just faking for attention.
we went back to the line and plowed up to where sabrina and farrah were with a couple of their friends nearer to the door. waiting in line is for dummies.
the benefit of going in first is the abundance of good stuff to buy, and limited people in line for it.
i got this sick ass green shirt, with an orangey-red skyline, and a killer ass black sweater, with some sort of dove configuration.
we stood right up front. im gunna say about 10 feet from the stage. it was so nice to not have people "moshing" for once.
there were these hooligans that were beside us for most of the night with a fake id. i thought...hmm, why not, and got him to buy me a brewler. he was a really nice guy.
it was 5 bucks; a 24 would be 120 dollars at that rate. oh well, it was well worth the novelty.
first was youth group and they were really good. travis suggested them, and i liked them a whole lot. apparently brad copied a cd for ratt, so i might jack if off him.
death cab played for like...almost 2 hours. they were unbelievable. like, they played identical to the recordings.
the drummer is so tight. at one point during a song, i forget which one, they pulled out a minidrum set and gibbard gave it hell. i had no idea he could play those too.
carl thought that chris walla looked a lot like me in a few years. i thought so too - especially how he played - i just saw a lot of myself in him.
they played a lot of old stuff, so that made me ultrahappy.
on the way home, we all fell asleep. man was i tired.
i got dropped at carls while i waited for stove to come. we talked to frank for a few minutes. hes so nice; i love how much he says "eh".
today as blank:
mom and dad are at the cottage, so its just ratt and me. i had drivers ed, and we got chinese food once we got home.
dave and me went to this burger place for lunch, and we saw the most beautiful mother in the world. like, her daughter was cute too, but she was just stunning..
tonight im doin a little homework...probably going to bed at like 8.
this weekend was lovely; the show was so spectacular. they were so much more than i was hoping for, and i dont think ill ever forget it.

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