hello. well yesterday was the downey warren game and we won !!! woot woot!! well yes then on friday it was homecoming that was fun... but i think my date was mad at me because for sum reason .... but when my friend asked him if he was havin fun he said yes ....i dont no guys are strange.... well yes then i danced with this guy that is one of my friends and i had more fun dancing iwith him ... he will not be named because because he has a "girlfriend" and he said she will get mad if she knew that we danced together...well yes we performed at the downey warren game that was a lot of fun... well yes.... here are sum pics from the week...mucho amor>>><<
that is ashley MY freshmen buddy!! haha tifffani sux !! jk jk
bsb ( bite size booty) bab (big ass booty)
my lil freshmens!! haha they are soo cute!!! i <3 you guys!!
jael with her pink heels
my <3 tiffani and me ! aww !! ( i look ugly)
ashley shakin her thang
E-boni!! and janelle and ingrid!! <3 ya alll
stacy and traci!! haha
gabby with brit's nose!!hahahaha funny funny
hahahaha i hate this pic of me!!!!hahahahaha
funny socks!!! hahahaha
warren wimps!!! haha warren sux!!
i lalalalove this pic of them !! haha
janelle!! haha
haha tiffani stacy and me!! haha
we are warming up or something of that sort
I love this pic of them!!
well that is the end!! mucho amor>>><<