Nov 01, 2004 19:54
And I'm so sad
like a good book
I can't put this
day back
a sorta fairytale
with you
::a sorta fairytale with you::
So I woke up Saturday oblivious, completely unaware that I was doomed for another long rainy day at work trying to get Andrew Barbara, the red headed tyrant of the Handi Kids saturday program, to listen to ANYTHING I had to say. It took all the courage in my heart to not cry over the millions of thoughts buzzing in my head. I just wanted the day to be over with. I just wanted to go to rachel's house as planned. I just wanted to be with Alex.
When 3:00 finally came around, I sped over to BR with my best effort to catch whatever I could of the field hockey alumni meeting/game. I stayed for about a 1/2 hour, eating and talking to people. I was disappointed that I missed the game. After that I went home and got all ready for Rachel's, which was lots of fun because I got to see the very-spectacular Alexis and the very-comical Attar, who was (not surprisingly) in drag when I arrived. Later on the infamous bridegwater crew showed up, including Katie, Darcy, Becca, Carolina, Jana, Katie H, and Johnny. Deirdre and Alex C. left early and I got to see Jess only at the very end =( I did have a grand time though. Yay for friends.
Sunday was just...indescribable really. I've never really felt so insanely happy but underlyingly sad at the same time. I got to see Alex for the first time in a couple weeks. But the time flew by so fast I was like HEY WAIT SLOW DOWN GODDAMMIT!! really not cool. We went to lauren's Halloween party, which was uber fun because so many awesome people were there and there was delicious mexican food. Friends + Mexican food = best combo ever. But I was really not feeling like myself and all I had was this depressing countdown in my head man. 1 hour left to be with Alex. And in school today all I could think about was how much I missed being close to him , and what I would give for one more night to be together.
I'm a sap. I really am.
SO ya. No school tomorrow and plans are up in the air. I'm hoping something good comes together besides the bowling Viking trip. I don't really feel like going to that place because its incredibly lame, far away, and holds bad memories. Maybe by some stroke of luck I could see Alex...Well, who knows. I JUST WANNA GET OUT.