Teaser gift for mack_the_spoon

Dec 23, 2009 19:42

For mack_the_spoon

Mulder heard screaming. Or was it sirens? He couldn't tell as he regained consciousness, but he could finally tell his head was lying on the dashboard of their rental car. It was the car horn that was wrapping around his currently fragile brain. He sat up in his car seat, suddenly aware he had had a passenger with him and out of fear looked to his left to see the condition of his new partner, Dana Scully; she wasn't in her seat. Where was she? Fully aware of his situation now and feeling blood trickling down his left temple, he looked around the car and saw her outside the driver's side window on her cell phone, gesturing with her hands as she apparently argued with the person on the other end of the line.

Opening his car door to join her, Scully paused her conversation to come over to stop him. "No, Mulder, no, you've hit the dashboard hard, and you could have a serious concussion, you're bleeding-yes, I'm a medical doctor," she finished speaking into the phone. "We need an ambulance." Hanging up the cell phone, she crouched down to look at Mulder's head. He could see a bruise forming on her shoulder from the seat belt and he knew she probably shouldn't be moving around herself, but apparently she didn't care. "Let me look at you," she said, gently taking his head in her hands. They were cold from the chill of the air around them. She turned his head left and right and gingerly touched the cut on his temple. "I think it looks worse than it is, considering how hard we hit the tree."

Mulder looked toward the front of the car and was shocked to see what she had done-the car had slid off the wet highway and the car had plowed into an unfortunate tree. Any further to the right or left and she or both of them could have been more seriously hurt. Or killed. He was suddenly close to tears; it wasn't the first time a tree had been the killer of a woman he cared about.

2009, ! teaser gifts, * mack_the_spoon

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