Dear (XF) Santa...

Nov 16, 2009 21:40

Name/LJ: Namarie/namarie24

E-mail address: pomme_noire AT hotmail DOT com

Presents!: I love fic, and would like that rather than art of any kind. Specifically, I prefer MSR - probably RST but UST can be lovely, too. Ratings-wise, nothing really smutty or extremely graphically violent, please. I could go for either quiet moments between M&S or something with a bit more plot. Post-eps or missing scenes are also good (some favorite eps include Folie a Deux, All Souls, Patient X/TR&TB, Drive, Field Trip, The Unnatural, and others). I love angst, but not needless relationship angst. I love fluff, but in-character fluff. Within those parameters, it's up to you, dear Santa!

Presents, The Truth: If my Santa were so inspired, a crossover with any number of fandoms - including Doctor Who, Life, In Plain Sight, any Whedonverse, and others you could ask me about - would also be fabulous. Colonization & post-col are good, too.

I would rather get CSM’s cigarette butts: No other pairings besides Mulder/Scully, no other-character-centric plots, no stalkers, no smut or extreme violence (as previously mentioned), and if the fic is set prior to season 6, please, UST rather than RST. Also, no historical AUs or other far-out-there AUs, no pre-series, no character death (unless it is canon), and I'd tend to say no season 9 stuff.

Timeline: Anything s4-7, or post-The Truth/IWTB-era would be great! (I wouldn't say no to a really well-characterized earlier season friendship fic, though.)

What I can do: I can write for you! My fic is heavily MSR, though the level of shippiness can vary.

What I absolutely CAN'T do: I don't do vids or graphics, and I'd really prefer not to write what I don't read (see my stipulations above).

Are you able to be a back up? Um, possibly? But I am insanely busy at the moment, so maybe I could be a back-up back-up. :)

2009, 2009 wishlist, * namarie24

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