So please take me far away, before I melt into the ground...<3

Aug 01, 2011 03:42

Tiiime for an update on shit in my life! Aren't you all soooo excited?

Well, for the past two weeks my mom's been in the hospital and an assisted living home thing due to a couple small blood clots in her lung and I think two blood infections. So, I’ve been home alone for two weeks, just sitting around doing absolutely nothing except talking to Holly and Mollie about the band and random stuff, playing bass, and listening to music. It’s been just the relaxation time I’ve needed, I think.

Friday I was able to write a good bass riff for one of the songs Holly wrote, called “Robot”. I’m really fucking proud of it and I’m excited that she immediately thought of a song to put it to. It makes me feel like I accomplished something huge, and I almost feel like it boosted our motivation to really get serious about getting more songs done before I go back to school and have to give the bass back. I’m going to do my best to get 10 or so more solid bass lines written and recorded and sent to Holly so they can work on guitar riffs and putting the demos together. In the mean time I’m going to try to get this bass as soon as I possibly can. I had a bit of a breakdown last night because I remembered that in a little over two weeks I have to give “David” back to the school; you guys don’t know how much that kills me. I love this bass. It’s my first one, it’s the only one I have ever touched in my life, and I’m so used to having it around. It’s killing me that I have to let him go so soon. I’ve developed such a connection with the bassist of Simple Plan because of this bass; I’ve felt like he’s right there beside me watching me trying to learn songs, helping me when I most need it, making sure I’m getting songs down as quickly and efficiently as I can at this point. Why do I have this connection? Well:
The bass I’m using is that exact same one. The only difference is his little design on the front and his zebra strap. That red Fender Squire bass is the exact fucking one I’m using. And no matter how much I want that Dean Zone from Guitar Center…nothing’s going to give me as much of a connection as this one, besides winning David’s bass in the drawing that’s coming up in like…a week. Oh fuck, it’s in a week. I just got huge butterflies in my stomach and I want to puke. I have a good feeling about the drawing but at the same time I don’t. I have no idea how to feel. All I know is that I need that fucking bass. There’s a chance I could win it and I’m excited, but I know I’m going to be so crushed if I don’t win it that I’m seriously going to be in tears for at least a couple of minutes. But…I guess we’ll see. Keep your fingers crossed for me, please. I don’t think anybody fully understands how much I need that bass.

Anyways...well, earlier this week the band got together in a group chat on AIM and just talked about stuff. We discussed band names and ended up changing ours from our original “Stereo Queens” idea. I won’t post the name or logo here yet because I haven’t asked them and I don’t want to post it if they don’t want me to. But I really like it and Mollie came up with an incredibly cool idea for the logo; even the colors are amazing and I simply adore the font she used. It’s my desktop background on my laptop, actually x’D
Talking the other day about just everything and getting our band name and logo picked out really refueled that fire in me that wants this so bad and that knows this will all work out. You know when you just have the feeling in your gut that something’s right? Well, me being in a band with Mollie and Holly, playing bass on that stage with them, playing our own songs that we wrote our own riffs and lyrics and everything for…just being with them and knowing I have these two people in the world I can count on no matter what - I KNOW that’s right and I know it’s what I’m going to do with my life even if it kills me.
I was writing another bass riff last night; I’m about halfway done with it I think. Holly helped me figure out what notes to put where for going into the chorus ‘cause she was thinking we could use it for her song “Angels”, but then I recorded it all through the end of the chorus and I think she wants to use it for “Hollywood Cigarette” instead. I don’t mind what one she uses it for, I’m just so happy I’m being useful and getting some actually good bass lines out. It’s so exciting. I’m going to try writing one a day, just so we have a lot of stuff that we can work with while I’m on the wait for a bass.

Which might actually have a possibility of coming sooner than I thought. I was talking to my mom this morning on the phone and I asked her, “Do you think maybe I can try to drop my AP English class, and maybe Physics? I want to help you around the house getting the basement cleaned up, and the storage units, and maybe get a job to help with money and stuff. If I drop one or both of those, I can get a job and have more time to help you when I’m not at work because I won’t have as much homework.” She seems to be okay with it; we just have to talk with the school counselors or something and see if, given my home situation, they will make an exception to dropping AP classes and let me get out of it. I’m still going to do the assignment but I just know I’m not going to be able to handle the class. I don’t have the same motivation for writing or for English that I used to, so it won’t be as easy or as fun as I’d thought it might be. If I am able to drop both classes, I can get out of school early - I think double early release is at one o’clock - go to work, then go home and do homework and sleep. Or, depending on the job and the hours, homework first then work and then sleep. I’m thinking of trying to get a job at Hobby Lobby, which is kind of close to my house. It’s kind of like…halfway between the school and my apartment, so it’d work out really good if my hours were from like 1:30 or 2 pm until maybe 5 or 7 or something. And then I can save up money to get that Dean Zone XM. I want that one even if I DO win David’s bass. It’s so…unffff I love that bass. And even with bills, I think mom can let me use a little over a hundred dollars of my OWN money to get something I want and need in my life, you know? But yeah, she really seems to be okay with me dropping at least the AP class. Just have to run it by the counselor and see what she can do about it. I think my home situation is a good enough reason to drop the class, right? I think so.

I’m going to finish the bass riff I was writing last night and maybe start another one. I’m so excited to finally be to the level where I can write my own riffs. It even more so since it’s only been like a month and a half where I’ve been seriously playing bass. I’m just so happy with it. I’m really sad that I have to give this Fender up, but…if dropping the class works out, and getting a job of some sort, I can see myself with at least the Dean Zone by October or November at the latest. And that makes me really happy and excited, to say the least.

I hope Mollie realizes how much she’s grown on me in the past couple weeks and how glad I seriously am that I gave her a chance. I can’t wait to work with her more and to meet her and have fun making music and hanging out watching movies and playing card games or whatever other things we’ve talked about. :3
And I hope Holly knows how much I really care about her and how much I want to be sitting next to her right now, playing bass and guitar together and talking about anything we want. Just being best friends with her all the time and never spending more than a couple days apart.
I love you so much angel, and I’d give a thousand of my days just to spend one with you<3


band, bass, holly

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