(no subject)

Feb 06, 2008 18:49

Well my day was entirely,utterly,BORING I mean come on.. 136 questions of math,gimme a break. I'm frankly horrible when it comes to math and I am heavily stressed on this one question alone 'did I pass?!?!" I seriously want to pass this damn thing the first time, because frankly I'm tired of a math class and I want more freedom in my future choices.

My mood is crappy,how about yours? V-day is coming close and I don't know why I'm not myself. Not making good decisions and sometimes I wonder if I'm cut out for Peer.. Peer is about helping others, how can I help others if I don't care for peoples personal lives? sure I want to help others but I just don't think I have enough training to do anything yet.

Some believe that people read fiction books to escape reality and to become apart of the story. I don't know if thats entirely true for me,I just love books. Life is boring yes but I just love the word play, the imagery, the taste, the smell of imagination! Oh its such a grand thing, books. Mom is actually reading a SplinterCell book (she loves sam fisher ever since she watched me play the game) he is indeed a well designed character, also very sarcastic.

I've come across a game I have had for a long time but never picked up; Thief: Deadly Shadows. Garrett the main character is well designed and knows how to make sense of things when the player might be confused.

"A good author knows how much change is in the characters pockets" I don't know who came up with it but Mindy told me that quote.

I use to not like the Dead Poets Society but now I do ever since the video was played in my English class. Then again I first saw it when I was too young to really understand mentally. I hate to admit it, as I get older I understand things much better.

MISS JENKINS IS LEAVING US >_< she is leaving Friday and it is nerve recking!!!!! it is hard to imagine Peer without her, she is not allowed to leave us darn it!!

I'm thinking about dropping out of Peer Players, or do little parts. I hate the upcoming play, mostly because it is still being perfected. We have more Peer players and someone asked if they can do my part if I didn't feel like doing that part..I wanna do the high scene only! me in both parts was confusing and it would make much more sense if it were two different people. He better come up with stuff on his own,I don't want him to do the same exact thing I do because it would be kind of corny. Also there are old people returning to Unity and don't you think it would be kind of corny if a different guy did the same exact gestures and add on lines as the original?

No updates on the new story I'm writing, haven't gotten around to it lately. Though Mindy and I are writing a FMA fanfic together. Wooooot just waiting for her part.
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