Feb 07, 2008 21:46
Ash catchem333 [9:14 P.M.]: just saw V for Vendenna
Sailor V 15 [9:15 P.M.]: Haha NICE
Ash catchem333 [9:16 P.M.]: was very moving..
Ash catchem333 [9:16 P.M.]: I wonder if this was before the writers strike..that was too brilliant to not of been from one
Sailor V 15 [9:19 P.M.]: V 4 Vendetta?
Ash catchem333 [9:19 P.M.]: yes
Sailor V 15 [9:20 P.M.]: yeah that movie came out WAY before
Ash catchem333 [9:22 P.M.]: well hopefully the writers strike stops soon enough...I want to watch and hear things with feeling again..know what I mean?
Sailor V 15 [9:22 P.M.]: Yeah
Sailor V 15 [9:22 P.M.]: Do you know why they are striking?
Ash catchem333 [9:22 P.M.]: they want to get paid more for what they do
Sailor V 15 [9:22 P.M.]: I say pay them more!
Ash catchem333 [9:23 P.M.]: so do I
Ash catchem333 [9:23 P.M.]: then again its kind of bais of me..I am a writer
Sailor V 15 [9:23 P.M.]: Its unbaias of me
Ash catchem333 [9:24 P.M.]: there is something I've learned that I've never thought of till this year..
Sailor V 15 [9:24 P.M.]: What is it?
Ash catchem333 [9:24 P.M.]: define a writer for me
Sailor V 15 [9:25 P.M.]: one that writes: as a: author b: one who writes stock options
Ash catchem333 [9:26 P.M.]: that my friend is a definition out of a dictionary..
Sailor V 15 [9:26 P.M.]: yes
Sailor V 15 [9:26 P.M.]: you said define it!
Sailor V 15 [9:26 P.M.]: lol
Ash catchem333 [9:26 P.M.]: some believe a writer is a storyteller..or a person who uses paper and a pen to explore the part of our mind we choose to ignore or only daydream with
Ash catchem333 [9:27 P.M.]: to some it is a person who tell the truth through a well thought out story..
Ash catchem333 [9:27 P.M.]: but after joining the Young Writers Society, I found out there are different types of writers..different ways of thinking..yet all stand up for one thing
Ash catchem333 [9:28 P.M.]: to be heard
Sailor V 15 [9:28 P.M.]: *claps* o_o
Sailor V 15 [9:28 P.M.]: wow
Sailor V 15 [9:29 P.M.]: That is a non sarcastic wow btw
Ash catchem333 [9:30 P.M.]: some may believe I'm insane for my beliefs or behaviors..but if it comes from the heart,is it not the very thing that matters V?
Sailor V 15 [9:32 P.M.]: I dont think you're insane
Sailor V 15 [9:33 P.M.]: Everyone is insane, So no one really is.
Ash catchem333 [9:33 P.M.]: out of curiousity
Ash catchem333 [9:34 P.M.]: are you going to pursue music?
Sailor V 15 [9:34 P.M.]: I am considering it. Why?
Ash catchem333 [9:35 P.M.]: because 'your guitar speaks with your heart'
Sailor V 15 [9:35 P.M.]: lol It does ^_^
Ash catchem333 [9:36 P.M.]: I think you should go for it
Ash catchem333 [9:36 P.M.]: oh and V?
Sailor V 15 [9:36 P.M.]: yeah?
Ash catchem333 [9:38 P.M.]: the thing that makes music so great isn't this (takes your hands) if it comes from here (points at my heart) then others will not only listen..they will FEEL it..without music the world would be a very different place..
Ash catchem333 [9:39 P.M.]: without art the world would be a different place..merely because we use it to show others how we feel with different senses.
Sailor V 15 [9:40 P.M.]: ..... *is totaly speachless*
Ash catchem333 [9:41 P.M.]: (smiles) I come from a family of art of all kinds..
Sailor V 15 [9:41 P.M.]: Ive noticed
Ash catchem333 [9:43 P.M.]: do you understand what I'm trying to tell you V?
Sailor V 15 [9:43 P.M.]: Yes. I understand ^_^