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Ok, so really this is a failed experiment for me in that the lighting is too severe and the ukulele is louder than my voice. I filmed this at sunrise on my back porch, thinking that the shadows would look cool. Instead, my already pale skin begins to glow and any wrinkle is magnified by the long shade. So I look like a ghoul, yes, but a ghoul with a ukulele. There is some comfort in the juxtaposition. Also I progressively play louder or sing more quietly, I'm not sure which. I need to make an effort to project more, but I'm not used to singing anywhere that I could possibly be heard.
The ukulelization process, however, worked pretty well. "Bad Girl" is a typical 3 chord rock song with heavy ZZ Top style. The ukulele transforms music, especially when you can use a tropical or latin strum pattern. That part was a success.