Comic Studio's webcomics are finally at the point where we're branching out into paid web-ads (as opposed to just me wandering around with a sandwich board). We've come up with a new set of banners to push one of our three ongoing webcomics:
Trigger Star.
This webcomic is the "RATED M for MATURE" one from
Interrobang Studios, so if you're a PG-13 kinda person, this one's not for you. However, as we're all adults here--
Trigger Star has adult humor and adult themes and aims to please a more mature audience with a taste for shocking sword & sorcery parody.
No, seriously.
Our heroes fought a band of Twat Mages. Not porn, but not for kids at all.
(Though other titles on our site totally are:
I'm My Own Mascot and
Spinks! are fine for the whole family. They are also completely separate and well-labeled for rating.)
I launched some ads through Project Wonderful this past Friday evening. I'm curious to find out if my efforts will send ripples out as far as my friends list's other online haunts. So keep an eye out around the internet for these banner ads--lemme know if you spot any!
(And of course, I'd love for you to
check it out and tell a friend!)