Jun 23, 2008 22:51
As of one week from now, I will be on a plane headed to Tel Aviv, Israel. I'm pretty freaking excited. What I'm NOT excited for is packing and trying to get everything together. Also not excited for attempting to make better headway in Crime & Punishment. I keep saying I will, but it's been hard to stay motivated, especially when there's so much television to be watched and Facebook to be perused.
...I kind of suck. Whoops.
I'm trying to see people before I go, and I'm sort of failing there too. On a brighter note, my mother and I have succeeded in accomplishing the majority of the shopping that needed to be done. Hooray for Target.
They sent out a list of the projects that we might be doing about a week ago, and we emailed in our top three choices. Surprisingly, the one I'm most enthusiastic about involves mice, which I wasn't planning on dealing with. It'd be nice to get that one, but there are some other neat ones too. My top three picks were all genetics-related, so I'm thinking that (almost) no matter what, I'll get a good idea of what a possible future profession for me might be.
I was going to make a new LJ for my trip to Israel and give everyone the link, but "michelleinisrael" was too long for a username and I was too lazy to come up with anything else. I'll probably post here sporadically, but since my parents have officially decided that I can't bring my laptop, I don't know how often I'll be at a computer.