Mar 14, 2005 16:29
i feel nasty. my head hurts, my ears hurt, i cough a lot (which makes my ears hurt more), my throat hurts, and i have almost no voice. i hope i'm better in time for the play. i went to the doctor today cuz my mom wanted to make sure i didn't have strep (which i don't) and he said i should be ok by thursday. i wanna get better sooner so i can be at rehearsals this week, but i definitely won't be at school tomorrow. i'll see if my parents will still let me go to rehearsal if i'm feeling better tho. (tomorrow, not tonite.)
i just realized how long it's been since i've updated. 8 days. i think that's the longest i've gone since i made a livejournal.
i still have so much work to do on my night project, even tho it was due today. i have one paragraph of my chapter 8 reader response (the poem one), i have an idea for the artwork, i have to write my entire research paper (3-5 pages long, single spaced, and footnotes), and i need to make a cover. and each individual labely thing. i'll do what i can tonite since i'm sorta feeling better, at least compared to yesterday when my temperature reached a peak of 102.9. ick. and hopefully i'll feel better and will be able to finish it tomorrow, then go back to school wednesday.
i missed so much crap friday. 1) my french quiz. whatever. not a big deal. 2) my latin roots test. again, not a big deal. 3) the french national contest. not that it's that huge, but there's $7.25 i'll never get back. well, my parents really. o well. and i wanted to try it. 4) the band contest. i wonder how we did. a one, i'm almost certain. 5) rehearsal. not that i wouldn't have missed it anyway for the band contest. o yes, and 6) the holocaust survivors talking. i'm sorry i missed it, but it wouldn't be the first time i'd heard a survivor talk, so i'm not as upset as i would be.
this morning i was reading newsweek and there was this article about kids of soldiers who have died in iraq. it was really sad. they blow up specific quotes on the page for emphasis, and one they had made me cry.
"g-d needed daddy in heaven," jordan said to her 6-year-old. "well," he replied, "i needed him, too."