I have a couple hours left before The Great Reunion Boondoggle: New Year's Eve Edition starts. There will be 5 competitive games for the family that's so competitive, we will cheat, heckle and become violent in order to win "friendly" games.
Fanwise, I'm afraid this was the year of inconsistency. Some fics went out, beta'd and all, with practically no time or effort. Others, I'm still slogging through. I also had several madly giggling moments thanks to the feedback. Here's to meeting deadlines and more fic-inducing moments in 2010!
The Fics
Sunshine Characters: Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Conner Sullivan-Kent + cast of dozens (DCU)
Summary: Sequel to
Bloodlines. For the past eighteen months, Lois, Clark and Conner have become a family. Now there may be a way-- a very slight, possibly dangerous way-- for Lois to be pregnant with Clark's child. Meanwhile, Conner discovers unique growing pains tied to being a kryptonian-human clone. Sometimes in life, completion can be impossible to acquire.
Superman - Comicverse
Lion-Headed Goddess with Bandages in Her Mouth Characters: Lois Lane
Summary: I'm Lois Lane. I'm the best investigative reporter living.
X-Men - Comicverse
Pilgrim in the Temple of Love Characters: Scott(Cyclops), Alex(Havok), Wolverine
Summary: Scott and Alex and Christmas at a strip bar.
X-Men - Movieverse
Call Back Yesterday Characters: Gambit (Remy LeBeau)
Summary: (post XMO:W) After 2005, the world went to shit. That was Logan's summary. Global climate change. All the TVs were rectangular and thin. All the cars were purportedly powered by electricity. The music sucked. Network explained events with more detail but the gist of it was after 2005, the world went to shit. And Remy had to fix it before he could go home to good old 1993.
Etienne Characters: Gambit (Remy Lebeau) + various X-Men
Summary:(Post-X3) To keep his family safe, Remy LeBeau must go to Xavier's School for the Gifted. This is his life in the ten years after he agreed to help bring the Wolverine in.
A Little Bit of Your Taste in My Mouth Characters: Rogue (Marie D'Ancanto)
Summary: (From
Elemental-verse)He kisses her; he's wiped his mouth off so no matter how much she licks and sucks and nibbles, there isn't a taste of her left.
Santa's Little HelpersCharacters: Scott (Cyclops), Remy (Gambit), Alex (Havok), and Adam (the X-treme) Summers.
Summary: (From
Elemental-verse) The Summers boys' first Christmas all together isn't postcard perfect. But then, when was it ever? How Scott, Remy and Alex cobble together a Christmas for their youngest brother.
Little Falcon, Perched for His First Flight Fandom: Star Wars/Firefly
Characters: Hand Solo, Malcolm Reynolds
Summary:A very young Han attends the Winter Sosltice festival with his great-grandfather and gains an appreciation for fireflies.
The Mutant Problem Fandom: Spiderman/X-Men movieverses (plus other Marvel movies)
Characters: Spiderman (Peter Parker) + cast of dozens
Summary:A week after Black Tuesday's telepathic attack on the world, Peter Parker took some pictures for a story on "the mutant problem." Ten years later, he's still taking pictures. The only difference is his definition of "the problem."
The Fanart
This is the House the Bruce BuiltCharacters: Dick Grayson (Robin I/Nightwing/Batman), Jason Todd (Robin II/Red Robin I/Red Hood II), Tim Drake (Robin III/Red Robin II), Stephanie Brown (Spoler/Robin IV/Batgirl III)
Medium: Photomanipulation c/ Photoshop
Conner's new BFFCharacters: Cissie Lance-Queen, Tim Drake, Conner Kent
Medium: Pencil
The Royal Family Always has DramaCharacters: Roy Harper-Queen (Arsenal), Cissie Queen, Mia Dearden-Queen (Speedy), Dinah Lance (Black Canary), Ollie Queen (Green Arrow), Lian Harper-Queen
Medium: Photomanipulation c/ Photoshop
Wedding KissCharacters: Clark Kent/Lois Lane
Medium: Photomanipulation c/ Photoshop
The Amazing Superhero Meme Characters: Very, very many
Medium: Pencils, Photoshop
The Mutant Problem Fandom: Spiderman/X-Men movieverses (plus other Marvel movies)
Characters: Spiderman (Peter Parker) + cast of dozens
Medium: Photomanipulation c/ Photoshop
In the Works
Characters: Cyclops (Scott Summers), Gambit (Remy LeBeau-Summers) + cast of dozens
--Sequel to
Elemental I really, REALLY mean it. If I don't finish any other fics except this and FemgenFicathon for 2010, I'll be happy.
Characters: Oliver Queen, Roy Harper; w. Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Chloe Sullivan
-- A Smallville version of "Snowbirds Don't Fly" about Roy Harper's (Speedy I/ Arsenal/ Red Arrow) addiction.
Unnamed X-Men Movieverse/Smallville crossover
Characters: Cyclops (Scott Summers), Clark Kent
-- Something about post-X3 Scott going to DC/Smallville!verse
Unnamed Rogue-centric fics
Characters: Rogue + cast of dozens
-- A series of noir vignettes, post-X3 dealling with the real fall-out of X3-- faulty cure resulting power backlashing, political manoeuvrings and deals with the devil to maintain mutant freedoms.
Unnamed SV!Martha Kent fics
Characters: Martha Kent
-- Political intrigue about how and why Martha Kent was given the Junior Senator seat so quickly. Kind of "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" meets "The Insider."