Oct 16, 2009 14:16
You'll all forgive this burp of introspection because it happens once in a snowy August and also it's a lovely, rainy day in the Pacific West Coast. That's always a herald for conversations in low voices with fleece blankets, hot alcoholic beverages, and eyes strictly glued to the ceiling instead of your mates.
Item #1: So, yeah, rain. I love the rain. I don't much like being out in it but I very much appreciate the fact that it makes this little climate zone so insanely, lusciously, WTF-it's-not-CGI? green. Every time I hear someone out here complain about rain, I want to beat them about the head and shoulders with a big truck. Good God, y'all, when more and more of the world's clean water supply is being bought up by companies and/or mucked up by a frillion different things (most of them starting with "H" and ending with "umans"), get on your goddamn knees, lift you face up with mouth wide open and drink that sucker up. Because that out there coming down on your head is life. And it is NOT a renewable resource. It's the most gorgeous thing in the world. Screw your Coach umbrella and trendy muklucks. You want sun all year 'round, go down to California, Arizona, Jordan, the Saharan countries or whatever terra-formed arid desert else is available (and undoubtedly gorgeous in their own way). But if you're going to hike these mountains, swim in these lakes and play ball in these fields, you will shut up about the rain.
Item #2: Good Lord, Fables is an awesomely written series. I've just caught up to #88 and it continues to blow my mind. When a writer is allowed to have free reign over their work and yet pressured (internally and externally) to continue despite planned endings, it usually turns to crap. I am looking at you, Anne Rice, Laurell K Hamilton, creative-team-of-Lost-I-don't-care-if-it's-good-now-it-was-crap-for-longer, yes, even Joss Whedon (bless him but he has the attention span of a gnat; ever try to get a gnat to commit to a long term project?). Very few have the balls to end a series. Even fewer have the ability to end a story then make sequels that are EQUALLY satisfying. And damn, Fables, I am satisfied.
Item #3: SPN & Kripke. You are 20% short of perfection. Carry on and keep learning. You may reach perfection some day.
Item #4: Smallville, you puzzle me. I don't understand this encroaching miasma of fear. I mean, the Clois is ten types of fricken AWESOME. I can't even. Clark's proto-Superman costume? I felt like I was looking at Kon-el brought to life. Ollie's gradual degeneration (again?) DEAR LORD, it's like they WANT me to start writing the-series-that-isn't-titled-Snowbirds. And yet... Yet, I have this fear. I think it's a shippy fear. It's a fear that the story will only be a vehicle for shippyness again, instead of being equal parts action, geek, and drama. I don't want Clois to be Clana 2.0. I don't want Clark and Lois' function to be JUST about their relationship. That's what fics are for. ;) Give me more gen, please, and fewer UST hugs.
Item #5: On a related note, no one-- NO ONE-- should ever end a BJ by saying "good to the last drop." EVER. EVER. To inflict that on a reader, is inhuman. To make, Lois Lane say something like that, even ironically, will not be borne. Take note, world. I've never literally snorted up my coffee while reading. Just... NO.
Item #6: Dear Azimuth. Please stop fucking me sideways with no lube. It HURTS. I want to CRY.