The main reason I wanted to be Batgirl II for Hallowe'en this year is because
fateschewtoy pressured me into buying the most bitchin' pair of black, over-the-knee boots which I definitely did NOT have the money for. The way I justified the buy was that if I wear the boots for at least 150 days, they would be worth what I paid for. Which is roughly $150 CAD.
I'm pretty sure I've worn them at least 10 times now. *cough* So, yeah Hallowe'en. Any costume from now until the boots fall to pieces will have to involve black, over-the-knee boots. I'm going to need to stockpile ideas now.
1) This year - Batgirl II
2) Storm
3) Jean Grey as the Phoenix
4) Black Canary
5) Lois Lane (shut up, she'd wear them with an adorable little Derringer stuck to the stop and look FANTASTIC)
Am I missing anyone?