Sep 21, 2009 14:40
Dear Writer!Muse,
Just because I have practicum in a "sexy urban" hospital, it doesn't mean I should write House crossovers with Marvel or DC characters. There's no reason anyone from House should be in Canada to find an unconscious Movie!Scott. Movie!Rogue wouldn't have enough money. Batman would never visit Princeton‑Plainsboro; I don't think Bruce Wayne would either. And he'd definitely frown on his wards doing the same. Lois... I don't even want to think about the fallout of Lois Lane and Greg House in the same building at the same time. I vehemently do NOT want to know how SV!Clark ends up in PTTH either.
ETA: House et al do NOT need to solve Tim Drake's disease from Return of the Joker because the cause of his disease is KNOWN (albeit a secret). Foreman does NOT need to be in the X-Club or any other X-related team as a psyionic-mutation consultant just because he may or may not have had a stint at Xavier's in his youth which factored in his adolescent about-face regarding a life of crime. Cameron... is actually a pretty good immunologist for Jason White/Conner Kent/ any other Lane-Kent offspring. DARNNIT.