I'll have something meatier after exams, honest.

Nov 29, 2007 17:03

Yet another meme, this one gacked from minisinoo and ridesandruns

10 ways to know you're reading a xenokattz story

1) If it's X-Men, it's got Gambit in it.

2) Sentences bear an uncomfortable resemblance to James Joyce's work-- AKA, the Run-on Addiction. Believe or not, I'm more sparse than I used to be.

3) There is at least one instance of "from" spelled as "form". I love my betas who catch 99% of all my typos but I swear one of them spontaneous reverts when I transfer the story to HTML.

4) Bodily functions/disfunctions are explained with nerdy macabre delight. I think the reason for that is pretty self-explanatory. ;)

5) The prose throws up similes.

6) They tend to be genfics or, if there is romance, it's not the central theme of the story. 75% of the time, the central theme is family or family-like relationships.

7) Gambit and Cyclops are friends, brothers that secretly get along, or just generally DO NOT butt heads.

8) The stories tend to be plotty and combine humour with action/drama. I (try) not to write in just one emotional tone; you don't want just one flavour of ice cream, do you?

9) There tends to be a lot of profanity. I don't swear much IRL so maybe I overcompensate through my fics. ;)

10) Sex scenes are few and far between and even if there is sex, most of them fade to black before the actual deed. However, those that are written out are pretty damn explicit.


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