HEY! COMPUTER GEEKS! Are You Paying Attention?
Remember that scene in Terminator II when the tanker of liquid nitrogen exploded all over the liquid metal T-guy and he subsequently exploded into little frozen metal bits? Alas, those frozen metal bits melted and coagulated and the game was once again afoot. It is an apt analogy for our telecommunications industry, especially now that AT&T and SBC have re-merged- the menacing character is no mistake.
As read today on
SFGate... Note well that AT&T is the major lobbier for the bill. Here is another example of The Corporation trying to destroy something that is good and egalitarian in the world, i.e. the internet, in an attempt to make a greater profit. So, during your lunch hour, or those hours at work you find yourself aimless meandering from site to site, you might want to focus on the Communications Opportunity, Promotion and Enhancement Act of 2006 and Net Neutrality (google 'em), then drop your Sen and Rep a little e-mail. Be a Lobby Of One, to paraphrase our military.
Thought I'd share.