May 15, 2005 22:31
As I'm sure you all know, recent studies have concluded that people are getting just too fat. Everybody seems to feel that it's necessary to place blame on things. Let me say this, a person only becomes overweight because of two reasons:
1. They have a GENETIC trait.
2. They have the ability to eat food at will.
Weight gain in both human beings and our pets is a product of modernization. People wonder why Americans are among the fattest out of all other countries in the world. Well yeah, we eat food when we feel like it. For those that have a genetic trait, this multiplies the effect. It multiplies it even more for those that eat food as an escape from stress. In the millions of years of our evolutionary path, we've had to search for food when we've needed it. There was no refrigerator full of frozen pizzas and cheesecake that we could just walk to.
Weight gain isn't the topic I'm talking about this evening though, evolution is. Not monkeys and humans but a different type of evolution, an emulated evolution. Normally, evolution takes place after long periods of time, thousands and even millions of years. Creatures evolve wings, fins, or sharp claws, all depending on their environment. Within just the last 400 years or so, there has been a huge expansion of technological breakthroughs. We're able to mass produce, preserve, store, and transport food at a moments notice. If it becomes too difficult, we invent new ways to make it easier. This is an example of emulated evolution. Our brains are evolving faster than our body, and it's causing a lot of bad side effects. The reason it's an emulated evolution, is because it's not really our brains getting better, it's the information our brains are getting. We're emulating evolution before it can happen! One interesting question to ask is what if our emulated evolution is a product of evolution itself? Also, does this mean we've achieved the greatest form of evolution, or have we sent ourselves sliding down an evolutionarily downward spiral? Nuclear weapons and biological monstrosities are all a product of this emulated evolution; these things could end up being the end of humankind, or even Earth. The Internet is also a product of emulated evolution, possibly the best example of it you can conceive. The better technology gets, the more vulnerable we make ourselves, and the more vulnerable we make ourselves, the more dangerous this game gets.
What do you think?