JLPT Lv2 Test

Jan 04, 2006 09:49

Searching for sites to study for the Lv2 JLPT test (which I will, eventually, before the end of the world, sing up for = =; )
Crossword <-fun XD
Adj Quiz
Verb Quiz
(other levels http://www.e-japanese.jp/ )
Kanji Test
and, nice, but not so active comm: jlpt_2kyuu

These are Chinese sites, but all the relevant parts are in Japanese (i.e questions, answers, instructions on how to answer, etc).
If you have problems navigating through the sites, let me know what level you need and I'll find the related links for you ^^

http://www.jpbus.com/home/data/study/ - vocab grammar list, etc
http://www.jpbus.com/home/data/exam/ - past/mock papers
http://www.hjbbs.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=46&ID=267505 - all different sorts of holy XD downloads with listening exercises, vocab list, past papers, text books, study notes, etc. some files are password protected, the pw is: www.hjbbs.com
http://mashimaro.cn/article/test/jplt/index_2.html - past papers, notes, etc
http://mashimaro.cn/article/listen/wangzhan/2005-09-05/56.html links to site with online video/radio news.

Level 2 Listening Practice
@@: my attention span = nil... (keeps forgetting to LISTEN half way thru the second sentence...) you'd think all these radio listening would have helped *head desk*

and.. OMG!!!
http://www.sadena.com/radio/ has Just A Minute and I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue (and various other Radio4 shows) all the way back into the 1970s~~~
(the pages take several dozen refreshes to open, but once you drag the link into a download manager, you'll eventually get the files)

There goes my productivity for the next..... year or so XD

[edit] I think I'm gonna die laughing XDDD
[edit] added links 09/01/2006

japanese, links

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