Title: Cursebreaker Pairing: Xena/Ares Characters: Xena, Ares, Gabrielle Rating: PG-13 Word count: ~5,300 Summary: "I take it you're here for the helmet." - Xena has stumbled across another plot of Ares's ... or has she?
Eleven years......how can that be possible? Still think of you with much fondness and can still hear your laugh. Hope wherever you are, you're happy and can feel the love your fans will always have for you.
Hey guys, I'm selling my Gold Weekend Package ticket, since I can no longer go T_T
I'm selling for $160 which is $309 less than the original price. The seat is Row B 009 which is close to the front of the stage. I use Paypal. ^_^. Message me if interested.
Shatner was filming a documentary at the "Final" convention in Burbank last year. Anyone know whatever happen to that? Did he finish it? Is it online or something...?