Фестиваль уда в Иерусалиме.

Nov 02, 2011 00:51

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Ваша покорнейшая, к величайшему своему сожалению, в этом году на фестиваль уда не попадает по причине крайней занятости, но по просьбе nenya-manenya решила, тем не менее, перечислить те концерты, на которые непременно пошла бы, если бы имела такую возможность. Если же вашей покорнейшей пришлось бы выбирать, то из всего перечисленного ниже она выбрала бы Марка Элиягу, Тайсира Элиаса и, конечно, Айнур.

Надеюсь, что вы, достопочтенные дамы и господа, будете более удачливы и расскажете мне, как прошел фестиваль и правильно ли я угадала.

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Sunday, 13 November 2011, Khan Theater. The Petrakis-Lopez-Chimirani Trio. The Black Eyebrows. Lyra player Stelios Petrakis, oud, rebab and guitar player Efren Lopez, and percussionist Bizhan Chimirani weave together diverse musical traditions of the Mediterranean region and the Middle East to create a timeless original.

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Sunday, 13 November 2011, Jerusalem Theater, Rebecca Crown Hall. Amal Murkus. I Sing. In a new performance by Amal Murkus, based upon her new album Bghani (I sing), she tells of the sources of her songs’ inspiration: Palestinian collective memory, romantic tributes, her father and her family, the aspiration to freedom, and love of life.

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Monday, 14 November 2011, Beit Shmuel. Mark Eliyahu. Musical Fantasy - Circles. A premier of new works and songs by kamanja and baglama virtuoso Eliyahu weave a musical fantasy around formulas that have existed since the times of the ancient Persian and Greek kingdoms.

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Wednesday, 16 November 2011, Khan Theater. Esti Kenan Ofri Joins Arabic Music and Contemporary Poetry. A Few Corrections. Composer and performer Esti Kenan Ofri premiers a selection of poems by Haviva Pedaya, Almog Behar and Herzl Cohen.

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Thursday, 17 November 2011, Jerusalem Theater, Rebecca Crown Hall. Taiseer Elias and His Brothers. A Tribute to Virtuoso Composer and Musician Taiseer Elias. Virtuoso composer, oud player and violinist Taiseer Elias leads a group of four musicians formerly with the Bustan Abraham ensemble in a performance devoted to his compositions and his musical path.

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Saturday, 19 November 2011, Jerusalem Theater, Henry Crown Hall. Aynur. Turkish vocalist Aynur presents her arrangements of Kurdish songs combining folk elements with popular Middle Eastern, Persian, Indian and even Andalusian folk influences.

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