Title: Supernatural Museum
Rating: Gen
Author: Lacerrta
xenia_27Disclaimer: This is fanfiction.
Genre: Crack, Spn/HP crossover
Characters/Pairings: Sam, Dean, John, Ellen, Bobby and others
Spoilers: No
Summary: This was found in the prophet Chuck's archive.
A book-worm Sammy, a dare-devil Jo and a school's star Dean Winchester with his beloved Impala
***No. don't even ask me what is it. I don't know. And nobody knows. The experts analyzed the photo and say that it is real. It was found in the prophet Chuck's archive.
You should have seen what else was there!
No. No further comments. The experts say that this is either a Trickster's joke or may be Chuck wasn't really a prophet - and this was a discarded variant of our reality.
When Dean has heard the last version and imagined himself flying on a broom with the wand in his hand he has paled somewhat badly.
Sam felt that something was wrong, he has caught his brother and brought him beer to calm his nerves. When Dean felt a bit better, he demanded something stronger that beer. When he caught his breath after that he looked mockingly at Sam.
- What? - said Sam nervously.
- Sammy, you are a nerd here and you'd be a nerd there. And you'd become a headmaster of the Superhogwarts. A headmaster Sammius... in a bathrobe and with a beard. And with a wand. I wish I saw a broom that can lift you up...
- This classic broom belonged to a famous auror, wizard and a hero, your dad John Winchester. And this one belonged to his girlfriend Marry Campbell. She was one hell of a witch!
***- This scary book is the journal of your great-grandfather Campbell of Scottish Campbells.
- Dean, I wonder why your patronus is an antelope?
- It's not some antelope, it's Impala!
Dean has a special summoning spell for his broom. It's Aepyceros melampus, and it's Latin for "Antelope Impala"
There is an ancient artifact which decides to which House the pupils go to - a Sorting Cap. It belonged to the school's founder - Samuelus Coltus. According to the tradition such head wear is the canonical part of the headmaster's dress uniform.
***Professor Elen Harvelle, a widow of the famous auror William Antony Harvelle. She is a professor of portion making, a very severe and principled lady.
***Jo's pockets are always full of things that tend to explode and she shoots from the slingshot marked W.A.H., that her daddy left fer.
An oil painting "Young Sammy Winchester taming dementors"
Books: "Dean Winchester and a Philosopher's Journal "
"Sam Winchester and a Panic room of Secrets"
"Winchester Brothers and a Prisoner of the Cage"
...and when the shadow of the yellow-eyed lord loomed over him, his favourite broom was there to help him, with a small toy auror stacked between its twigs...
***And this is Dark Lord's most faithful and fanatic follower. People say she is crazy, because her actions are deprived of any traces of logic and it makes her unpredictable and extremely dangerous. Her favourite spell is crucio.