Holy smokies!

Apr 29, 2004 12:21

Hey! I have to thank S&S for bringing me groceries. Thats right, a friend just showd up and gave me a whopping care package out of the blue. That was downright awesome.

I also have to apologise to Matt. Sorry I did not return your call, I was whiped when I got in. Also, I had DL'd the episode.

I am feeling OK right now. I went to see the doctor, and I am going on some anti depressents.

But I don't like the names. It's like Monopoxoflavil and Tetrovintofline.

I think antidepressents should have cool brand names. Like "Whiplash" and "Thrush" or even better "Ramrod"

That would be fun...

Hey, look, pork

++++++++++ Rantaving Endifies ++++++++++
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