What does it look li--? [...Where's that voice coming from? She looks from side-to-side before looking at the ground. Oh, her journal.] What does it look like? This stupid thing won't leave me alone!
Whoever did name it doesn't seem to have been very imaginat--wah! [She loses her balance as the furfur surges forward again, but she manages to put her other foot down to prevent herself from falling over.] Stop that! [She gives it a smack in the middle of its...head? Either way, the furfur does stop trying to cuddle her.]
[Stupid glare-resistant people.] Yeah, well, that's something new for it. It charged me when I first met it. I had to beat it off with my journal and it made off with it so that I couldn't call for help all day.
I'm counting myself lucky for that much. I think it didn't see us. But I ended up leaving my journal behind in the rush after I had thrown it at the furfur's head. ...Body. Whatever it is.
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