[The day the sky exploded, Fenimore had had the bad fortune of being outside. At first, she had been glad that no one was around to witness her rather extreme surprised reaction to this unexpected event. Her gratitude hadn't lasted for long, though, when she had found herself menaced by a large
Actually, it really hadn't seemed all that menacing at first, even if it was nearly as tall as her and notably wider. However, upon seeing her, it had charged forward to attack and had to be beaten off with the only thing close at hand: her journal. She had managed to get away, but it had persistantly followed her until she threw the journal at its...everything, since it's pretty hard to distinguish its head. This had worked at least in that the furfur became more interested in the journal than in her for a while, but then she had realized she wouldn't be able to call anyone for help with the thing while she didn't have her journal.
She had been on the verge of beating it into retreat with a fallen branch when a shadow passed over them. They had looked up to see a dragon flying overhead. It was then she had realized that this
Both had lost interest in the journal then. In the commotion to follow, especially the first day she spent running from protector to protector, there hadn't been enough motivation for Fenimore to return to the open area where her journal had fallen. But there had been enough for the furfur.]
[After a few days of radio journal silence from Fenimore, the journal suddenly clicks on. From the rough, rustling transition to a viewpoint on the ground, it's reasonable to surmise that it clicked on when it was dropped. The strange angle might make it hard to see what's going on, but Fenimore can be seen struggling against a large furfur.
However, rather than attacking her, it seems to be trying to...snuggle against her? This attempt is rather hindered by Fenimore trying to shove the thing away. It seems, like it or not, Fenimore has gained a summon follower.
The journal picks up her voice.] --appreciate you returning my journal, but you can go away now. I mean it. Stop that! Get off me!
[With a particularly strong shove, she manages to temporarily get some space between herself and the furfur and forecloses it coming closer again by putting her foot in its face. It's not likely to last long, balancing on one foot being a less stable position, but it gives her a bit of breathing space.] There! Now, quit it! You're really starting to annoy me.
[Later, she will be attacked by a shiny Magikarp and washed downstream to have to get rescued by Adell. But for now, she's staying at her position by the river near the barracks. Her original intent was to see if she could get some fishing done to replenish food stores before any monsters came by and she had to retreat to the barracks again, but this contemplation has rather been slowed by the approach of the journal-bearing furfur.]