First off, hello new readers! I'm glad my posts on the Sims 2 communities I've joined was able to bring more attention to my story. I hope that you are pleased enough with it to keep on reading! Anyway, I've been dying to show off these hilarious pictures that didn't make it into the story for obvious reasons! These are outtakes from the three parts of Gen 1.4. I'm sorry in advanced for those of you that have a slow internet connection, because this is a long entry with tons of photos.
I shall start off this entry with an autonomous pillowfight initiated by none other than Tank Grunt, who has a whopping total of 0 playful points.
I love it when he looks mad, it always makes me laugh. With the way he is in my game I can never take him seriously when I see other stories involving him. With me, he's just a big, dumb, and lovable oaf. You'll understand why I feel that way in future entries. Let's just say that all the bubble blowing he's done in college has gone to his head.
And of course Stella was his "victim".
Did I mention that I love his facial expressions? Tank has grown on me so much, that I could easily say that he's in the top five of my favorite maxis created Strangetownians. Guess who the others are!
Transition time for the Buckster! Hmm, could you make it more obvious that you'd like to compete with Tank for "most likely to follow in the footsteps of his old man"? Oh, and those socks with sandals are so sexy by the way.
I wonder what Abe's transition will be like...
Tah daah!
This pimp-tastic outfit fit him, so I decided to keep it.
I really lucked out with these two. Did they decide to match on purpose, though?
Buck: My brother's in a super cool rock band! *flails air guitar around* Sorry Buck, but I think that bragging about Ripp will just lead to more notches in his headboard and won't get you any.
This image may seem harmless, but to me it contains a MAJOR canonical error! That girl in the background is one of my potential Gen. 2 heirs, and this is the only way you will be able to see her for quite some time. Oh, and you know what else? Ripp was actually an adult when Gen. 1.4 part 2 was shot! I did have pictures for that entry before he dropped out, but I decided that it would be cooler if I incorporated the remodel of the Grunt house that my brother did in it.
Here's a few of the older photos:
Hmm, inspiration for Ripp to create a band name with the words "Fish" and "Sex" in it? Whose face belongs to that body anyway?
SARAH LOVE?! Excuse me Princess Prude, but I believe that Ripp has never even seen you before. Why the hell did decide to bring you over to see his father then?
I think Ripp's reaction sums up what I feel about this photo. PT#9 is supposed to be Buzz's ENEMY, not somebody he pushes on the swing!
Buck, meet Puck! Yeah, I have moved some of my favorite Maxis-made families into the Strangetown Bluewater Village so they can interact with my Sims.
And that is exactly why I had so much trouble shooting the scene where Ripp calls Blair in Gen 1.4 part 2:
Buzz's conversation with the pimple faced Beau Broke was much more interesting than what Ripp had to say! I believe Buzz and him are best friends now because they talked so much that day. O_o
Buck: Why did my dad randomly invite you to my house in the first place?!
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the only time Buck was ever mad at anybody in my game.
And he quickly forgot about it to congratulate Buzz on kissing somebody, which was way more important than Beau annoying him.
Speaking of what Sims think is a proper subject to discuss in casual conversation...
Van: Remember the time when I cheated on you? That was sooo funny!
Oh, and congrats for catching me in the act.
Not to be outdone, Stella decides that she should congratulate her boyfriend on cheating as well. (I made Tank and Frances cuddle just ONCE, which made Frances go into a heart-flying frenzy. The feeling wasn't mutual.)
I believe Tank is extremely happy that Frances found a guy (stupid pun intended!) he could woohoo with.
They could talk about this subject for hours.
Umm, Van? I think your food has been done for quite a while, so how come you're just standing there?!
It's your own fault!!! Why does my self Sim require constant supervision?! You're making me look bad! That's like, fire #2348, and she has more than 2 cooking points!
Despite failing at life, Van is always the center of attention. Watch in amazement as she sloppily eats her spaghetti!
Both Grunt boys have at least one bolt of attraction for Van. Ripp of course has three, I forgot how many Tank has though.
It looks like Ripp approves of the action his brother is getting!
Keep your eyes off of Van's man, Stella! As you can see, hearts are always a-flying in my Strangetown.
I think Frances is currently dreaming of being in the center of a Grunt sandwich. Sorry, but that's not happening!
Marla Biggs (Who I gave a much needed makeover): You know Ripp, with your good looks you could be in movies! All you have to do is cut your-
Ripp: Um, no I don't think I can do that.
Tank: Hey Stella, how are you floating up to the second floor? It's like we have invisible stairs or something!
Eventually, Abhijeet's desire to have Stella be his "mate" got a little out of hand.
Hey Guy, I think Mr. Llama likes what he sees!
This is what happened right after Abhijeet caught Van cheating. Abe: I still hate you, but holy shit are you hot!
Van: Oh, but Ripp is even hotter!
Okay Van, you clearly want to jump Ripps bones... He's right there, so why do you even bother getting all that sexual frustration out on a handheld video game?!
If you're wondering who Buzz kissed, here she is. Her name is Renee Andrews, and he brought her home from work and autonomously fell in love with her. Since then, they've been seen making out on many people's front lawn.
Hey genius, that spray is supposed to be used on roaches! Do I smell a wannabe Olive Specter?
Here's another reason why shooting Gen. 1.4 Part 2 was so hard. This is Buzz's security dog, Sergeant K9 (also added by my brother) who he is madly in love with. I didn't know how to add him into the story.
Buck + Pool in Yard = This:
Lookin' good! I do miss cuddly teddy bear-like Buck, but expect to see him like this in entries to come. I have some footage left over of chubby Buck though, so he'll still be like that in a few more.
I sent Buck off to a community lot to celebrate his new body, and he came home looking like this! I got a kick out of his outfit, but quickly put him back in his old clothes. I have yet to find a teen who embodies that outfit! What a shame too, because I do like it.
And here's another unintentional physical transformation...
I admit, it took me a while to realize that my Frances was packing on the pounds.
I blamed it all on Guy, because he kept going out to get pizza... I thought it might have been because he must like chubby men, until I realized that their refrigerator hadn't been restocked for about a semester. Poor Guy didn't want Frances to starve! How sweet.
And then the coach decided that Frances' lifestyle was unhealthy, so he made him exercise.
After a few laps around the pool in the dead of winter, he was back to normal. Shortly after, he gained became fat again and stayed that way. Why make a Sim lose weight when he clearly doesn't want to? I think he looks cute like that anyway.
Oh no, not another addition to the Tank Grunt fan club!
I think Guy has stalker-ish tendencies.
Though I don't think that Frances minds that much.
*sigh* Playing the Worthington household when they were in college was one of my best experiences with the Sims. Not just for the flying hearts, "drug" abuse, and the awkward moments, but because living inside the house were the two cutest Sim couples ever! Both Frances/Guy and Tank/Stella were constantly serenading, sweet talking, and caressing each other autonomously.
With that being said, here's some Frances/Guy spam!
I do not have custom content eyes (or barely any cc, for that matter) but I must say that Frances' eyes really look amazing in that picture.
I love the lighting in this shot.
Cute. But umm, what's with the dollhouse in the background? One of Frances' ridiculous pleasure Sim wants was to "buy a toy".
Look, Frances is psycho psychic!
And I will leave you with this montage of pictures that I dedicate to
strange_tomato, since she experienced the same glitch:
I think that the argument with his father was what caused Ripp to get stuck with such an angry face.
Uh oh, it looks like the glitch is spreading! (Luckily, it really didn't.)
Ripp: This whole entry was NOT FUNNY, Buck! Quit laughing!