The Week Ends

Nov 05, 2010 06:24

I do not know what it was about this past week.  It was a much more difficult week then I was expecting.  Lots of stress and changes had to go out.  Not to mention the fact that Iw as stuck in a new team with new rules and stuff like that.  Like I have been saying all week I do not like where the company is going.  I heard back from the RM and apparently Oregon is filled so there is nothing there.  She also told me to go through the GM.  I do not really care any more.  It is time to start looking for a new job.  If I cannot become a free agent by going over my GM's head, then what is the point?

Oh well at least tonight I can relax a bit.  I am going to do my experiment to see if hard liquor has less hangover effect on me.  Granted I got more than I could ever drink in one night.  Well now that I am not feeling suicidal anyways.  I bet I could drink about half that liter of vodka if I was still suicidal.


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