Nov 04, 2010 06:23
You now I have said this before and I will say it again. I do not like where my company is going. There has been another shifting of power, and my manager is jumping on the upper management bandwagon. Yup he is jumping to the do as little work as he possibly can bandwagon. I swear I need to grow a spine and get a new job. At least then I would not be in constant fear of my company going under. Well I put in the email for a transfer. Sadly I have to go above my GM to get the transfer. I know that my GM would just delete the email I sent.
Today I started "The World Only God Knows". I have to say I was not expecting what I got. Which is a good thing, the idea is pretty original. I will post something on my website sometime tomorrow. Otherwise I am just working out and relaxing. One of the other trainers complimented me today. Saying she noticed I was losing a lot of weight. Sadly she is one of the cute ones who works out with her boyfriend after work.